Introducing new ducklings


Mar 26, 2020

I have three, 7(ish) week old Pekin ducks, and three 2 week old Pekin ducklings. They’ve been meeting through a repurposed dog kennel on really nice day, like today!

I have one hen that’s particularly interested with the babies, and won’t leave their “side” when they’re outside.

I won’t fully introduce them until the ducklings are a few weeks older. But I’m wondering when is the right age to introduce them? And what (roughly) should I expect for behavior? And what should I watch for?

Pictures of my feathered loves below. (Also picture of the hen that’s mothering the babies)


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Hey there!! Looks like you are doing an awesome job introducing them through the cage and letting them hear each other but no touch, etc. !! This is exactly what I used to do as well. My best suggestion would be to wait until they are a bit older to actually let them out of the cage. It is great to introduce them young, so keep doing that!! However, you will have to wait until your ducklings are big enough that they wont be trampled over, stepped on, or picked on. If you have a drake in your flock, the first time you let them out of the cage (around 6-8 weeks I would say), make sure to supervise the interaction and watch to see especially how your drake reacts. You don't want him trying to mate with the little and potentially hurt them or try to pick on them. You are doing an awesome job, keep up the good work mama!!
Hey there!! Looks like you are doing an awesome job introducing them through the cage and letting them hear each other but no touch, etc. !! This is exactly what I used to do as well. My best suggestion would be to wait until they are a bit older to actually let them out of the cage. It is great to introduce them young, so keep doing that!! However, you will have to wait until your ducklings are big enough that they wont be trampled over, stepped on, or picked on. If you have a drake in your flock, the first time you let them out of the cage (around 6-8 weeks I would say), make sure to supervise the interaction and watch to see especially how your drake reacts. You don't want him trying to mate with the little and potentially hurt them or try to pick on them. You are doing an awesome job, keep up the good work mama!!
The big ducks are two females and a drake. He doesn’t seem to have any interest in the babies at all. He came over and looked at them for a few and then waddled off back to the pond.
Like I said I’m going to wait a few more weeks to let them out of the cage, but that’s all good to know!
I should add that the big ducks were my first time with ducks. These littles are my second, so I’ve never had to introduce so far.

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