Introducing roosters


In the Brooder
Mar 25, 2021
Help please….
I have two Pekin bantam roosters living with two Pekin hens. All a year old and raised together and apart from the odd head pecking they don’t fight and hang out together happily.
I also have three other Pekins - two girls and a boy- 5 months old - who were raised from day old by one of the original hens. She left them and return to the original flock.
Is there anyway of getting the little three to live with the older four in the same coop?
When they’re all out in the garden together they hang out in separate places. If the two groups come near each other they chase but no real fighting. But when in, they’re in two separate pens. Would really like them all together but really don’t want my two original roosters to start fighting with each other….
Thank you
I had a problem like this once . Have you tried easing them in ? Like putting the younger ones in with the older chickens and just observing them for a couple minutes then if they start getting chased immediately take them out . Sometimes mine have gone with the older chickens and been just fine after a couple pecks .
I would be worried about that younger rooster. I can see the roosters taking the new girls if they are laying, but that younger rooster is going to be a trick, especially going into spring with the hormone levels rising.
Ya that could be rough . Maybe you could try letting them out together without the hens . That helped with my roosters . They got used to each other without out the hens . But now and then they have a pretty bad fight. But I don't know. My two are different sizes s o that make a difference.
Thanks for the replies. I tried putting them all in the older ones pen for a bit this evening and the boys seemed ok. Just ignored each other.
The ladies on the other hand….. the two older hens (one is their mother) really went for the little ones.
I let them all out again and they just wandered off and ignored each other.
Maybe they’ll just have to stay in separate pens…

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