Introducing young (new) ducks to older ducks

Hey,I have a question similar to lovemeduckins

I currently have three bachelor ducks, all male, who get along great. its funny, but they actually freak out when they cant see each other. theyll put up a fuss until they are reunited. my question, though, is if i ever bring in a few girls, will this make them instead fight with each other? thanks!
Yes it will make them fight, you would have to have at least 3-4 ducks for each drake and during peak mating they would have to be separated or you will have fighting, I have 3 drakes and one is old and has to be completely separated from the other 2, the father- son will get into fights occasionally [worse at beginning of mating season] but has kind waned now,. usually when JR wants to try to usurp Dads authority is when trouble begins. Being able to free range helps keep things under control some what, if they had to all be penned up together, well I wouldn't want to have to put them through that.
This is way too funny, and must apologize for stepping in here late, but have many of these issues as well. Too cute, but problematic at times for SURE!

Have Pekins, Poppa Lucky imprinted with me but was fortunate enough to get him to go his own way with some females a week younger, he was the only survivor from a hatchery shipment and they replaced within a week. He eventually let go of me and bonded with the girls after being aggressive with me and becoming sexually mature, started biting the tips of my toes off, but the girls eventually got to him and you know the rest. He did produce tons of fertile eggs, still does, and am now dealing with his coming on to just sexually mature daughter, who just started dropping eggs. She is a spoiled brat, follows me everywhere, and altho I put her out each day with the others, Dad wants to mount her, his harem of 5 chase her, and also have one broody duck who seems to be in charge of everything, when she comes charging out of the pen after the others are out for a bit, she take charge and is very nasty, but I can deal with that. Poor Sweet Pea prefers to hang with the Golden Retrievers or follow me every footstep. Our large part Maine Coon cat, indoor totally, plays with her when she is indoors.

Try to ignore her, but she is spoiled rotten, and cries like a baby if left out after dark. She only had a week alone with me before others younger were introduced, but was too late. Tried to drive out the long driveway yesterday and she followed me several hundred feet before I had to jump out of the car and frighten her back. Think she would have followed me for miles if she could. I do bring her in to a box on the porch at night and try to extend the time each day, but she starts wailing as soon as dusk falls, have tried ignoring her, giving her a safe box to go to, but no way, separated from us. We do have issues with critters, especially at night, she would be gone by morning for sure. Just at night, she is right back outside during day, but just hangs by the door, she will wander a bit with the dogs, to the kiddie pool, lying under the vehicles in the shade with them, but she won't even hang with the other ducks by the fencing.

Would hate to see her father rape her, and in no way believe in interbreeding anyway, she is really clueless, she doesn't know WHAT she is altho I encourage her by ignoring her or throwing her in the kiddie pool and she will swim around sometimes for quite a while even with the dogs, but when the other ducks, including her mother and father, come around, she is out like a rocket or they chase her out. They really bully her, and don't want to see her get hurt and she is so friendly with the dogs, a fox would eat her in a heartbeat. What to do to naturalize her? She is beautiful Pekin example, show quality really, perfect and great disposition. Trying to teach her some tricks, up and down, this way and that, come when called, the basics, don't want to go too far because I have no intent on showing her, but she may breed some lovely, lovely Pekins.. She is darn near perfecto, but don't want Daddy to ruin her and trying to protect her duck-ginity as long as possible.

Any ideas of how to keep her a duck but keep her quality. As I said, do not want any interbreeding to go on i.e. father daughter nonsense, and have no other drakes other than a coming of age Buff duck, which I wouldn't mind breeding. Has anyone bred a Buff male with a Pekin female??? Have heard the Buff genes carry stronger, but not a lot of folks deal with the Buff ducks, so....Any help would be appreciated, and thanks for listening. Always love hearing your stories as well, altho I am not very good at responding that often. Surely you can tell why, no one wants to listen to my long winded stories, so try not to post too often. Any help with this little Sweet Pea princess coming of age gorgeous girl would be appreciated. Am I doomed with her, or should I let the others have their way with her. YUCK! HELP!
I had 2 lots of eggs incubating, the first batch hatched 5 days ago, unfortunately the second batch mostly failed except for 1 very cute duckling which was born on Sunday. I have tried to put the little one in with the others but they keep pecking at it :-( any ideas? This little one is so lonely as is continuously calling for attention!!
I had 2 lots of eggs incubating, the first batch hatched 5 days ago, unfortunately the second batch mostly failed except for 1 very cute duckling which was born on Sunday. I have tried to put the little one in with the others but they keep pecking at it :-( any ideas? This little one is so lonely as is continuously calling for attention!!
It needs a stuffed animal and a bird safe mirror, big difference in size between these 2 hatches. don't put youngest in brooder with the others do it back wards, place individual duckling in with newest and see how that goes. Then try 2 with it until they are all together. It may take a few days but should work.
Thank you that's great, I've actually put the smallest of the bigger ones in with it tonight and they are now snuggling up together!! Should I introduce another 1 tomorrow then?
I have a 4 week runner duckling hatched by a hen which has now abandoned her.
When can I safely introduce her to her biological parents plus 2 Aylesbury ducks?.
The hen pen and duck area are next to each other with a gate in between
.I let the hens and duckling in there yesterday but the drake tried to attack the duckling.
The duck area has 3 small ponds.(about 2x4 mts)
Hi sorry for the late reply!! The little one is now as big as the others and is mixing outside in the run with all of them no problem, however they do peck at her if I leave them inside together so we are working in that!!!

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