Introducing young (new) ducks to older ducks

i have three drakes and one female that i had obtained together well that was last year and now i have two more females that are now 3 months old i also have geese that are 3 months old ducks are pekin ducks well the problem we are having is the older ducks males and females chase the little ducks and geese around and when they get ahold of them they all gang up on one and pull feathers out and terrifi them . tried to put them in another pen but that did not work , any one have any suggestions for me other than to put the boys in the freezer.
Oh my, you do have a problem on your hands. You don't want to see your babies getting ripped to pieces!!!

I am afraid I don't have an answer for you, but hope someone will, ashandvine is a pretty knowledgeable, you may want to reach out to her, she has ducks and geese.

It is very sad to watch, isn't it, you would think birds of a feather...but not so. Once a flock of sorts is established, it is tough to introduce new members, but think ash will have some good suggestions for you.

In the meantime, keep your babies safe, poor things. It's not your fault, it's just what they do.
I need some advice on introducing ducklings to adult ducks. I have six adults (male and female Blue Swedish, female Cayuga, male and two female Khaki Campbell ducks) that are about 18 weeks old. I also have 18 Cayuga ducklings (15 female 3 male) that are 3 weeks old. The ducklings are currently in a "nursery" which is located inside the adult duck pen. The pen is a two stall goat barn converted to the ducks. It opens into a large run with shade and a kiddie pool that the adults play in. The ducklings have been in the nursery for about a week now.

At what point do I let the ducklings out into the run? I would let the adults out into the free range area first so that the ducklings would be safe while they explore and get used to the run. I would not allow them in the pool until they are 8-10 weeks old probably.

At what point, and how, do I finally allow the two groups to be in the same area without the adults trying to kill the ducklings? Eventually they all are going to be sharing the entire area with no dividers so I hope to be able to get them together safely soon.

Thanks in advance for any help, advice, solutions you might have. Here are pictures of the adults and the ducklings (when they were only a couple of days old).

I need some advice on introducing ducklings to adult ducks. I have six adults (male and female Blue Swedish, female Cayuga, male and two female Khaki Campbell ducks) that are about 18 weeks old. I also have 18 Cayuga ducklings (15 female 3 male) that are 3 weeks old. The ducklings are currently in a "nursery" which is located inside the adult duck pen. The pen is a two stall goat barn converted to the ducks. It opens into a large run with shade and a kiddie pool that the adults play in. The ducklings have been in the nursery for about a week now.

At what point do I let the ducklings out into the run? I would let the adults out into the free range area first so that the ducklings would be safe while they explore and get used to the run. I would not allow them in the pool until they are 8-10 weeks old probably.

At what point, and how, do I finally allow the two groups to be in the same area without the adults trying to kill the ducklings? Eventually they all are going to be sharing the entire area with no dividers so I hope to be able to get them together safely soon.

Thanks in advance for any help, advice, solutions you might have. Here are pictures of the adults and the ducklings (when they were only a couple of days old).

Hey it's me, I'd go ahead and let the ducklings into the pen while the older ducks are out foraging, place a way to get in and out of the pool and make sure they are safely using what ever you put there. or give them smaller pools to use, they will enjoy the water time. As for putting them all together this will have to be done with supervision and I'd wait till the ducklings are the size of the older ones before putting them together. unless in about a week you let them all out into the open area and see how they do but I wouldn't put them into the pen all together unless you make places for the younger ones to get away from the older. There's going to be alot of adjusting going
Ms Lydia, as always, your suggestions are right on. I sort of thought as much but wanted to check first. We will try this tomorrow or Saturday a.m. as I have to take Duke to the vet...he got a spider bite to the nose and is not comfortable at all. Also, we have a barn next to the existing duck coop that we will be converting into the new duck coop. When done the 24 little darlings will have a pen that is about 12 x 20 just to sleep we spoil our birds or what.
Ms Lydia, as always, your suggestions are right on. I sort of thought as much but wanted to check first. We will try this tomorrow or Saturday a.m. as I have to take Duke to the vet...he got a spider bite to the nose and is not comfortable at all. Also, we have a barn next to the existing duck coop that we will be converting into the new duck coop. When done the 24 little darlings will have a pen that is about 12 x 20 just to sleep we spoil our birds or what.
I look forward to seeing their new digs. And sure hope Duke will be okay!
Well they had their first outing. We let the adults out into the range area then let the babies out while I cleaned out the duck pen. They all stayed together and a couple of the adults came over to the fence to check them out in the daylight (they have only seen them inside under artificial light). Of course they did the predictable. They ran to the farthest corner of the run which just happens to be the adult ducks mud pit. So I have 18 three week old Cayuga ducklings covered in mud!!! I did the best I could to shower them down and got them back inside. They don't seem chilled at all, just agitated from the outing. Of course I will check on them throughout the day to make sure every thing is o.k. and, if needed, will give them some additional heat but I think they are fine. Here is a picture, they are the dark mass in the corner beyond the kiddie pool.

Sorry the picture is not better but any attempt to get closer was met with panic on their part. I figure they had enough trauma without having to pose and be pretty.
Well they had their first outing. We let the adults out into the range area then let the babies out while I cleaned out the duck pen. They all stayed together and a couple of the adults came over to the fence to check them out in the daylight (they have only seen them inside under artificial light). Of course they did the predictable. They ran to the farthest corner of the run which just happens to be the adult ducks mud pit. So I have 18 three week old Cayuga ducklings covered in mud!!! I did the best I could to shower them down and got them back inside. They don't seem chilled at all, just agitated from the outing. Of course I will check on them throughout the day to make sure every thing is o.k. and, if needed, will give them some additional heat but I think they are fine. Here is a picture, they are the dark mass in the corner beyond the kiddie pool.

Sorry the picture is not better but any attempt to get closer was met with panic on their part. I figure they had enough trauma without having to pose and be pretty.
Looks good, and you know mud is a ducks best friend, might be some worms in there. lol.......I doubt they need much heat since they are 3 weeks old. This is a really good start on getting the 2 groups together. Your older ones would probably run in total terror if the ducklings came at them in Mass, My 2 gosling have even my Muscovy drakes terrorized
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Way too cute, don't the adults look like GIANTS next to the babies! Common sense will prevail when it comes time to blend the troops. I too, like Lydia, feel their size should be pretty equal. You know the drakes are going to be all over that fresh meat coming in, so you don't want anyone to get hurt. I will be going thru this too down the road, so will watch and see how you make out. In the past, did not have much of a problem, and it is good you are introducing them with "protection." Very smart! They all eventually get along, they have their own pecking order just like chickens. I took my little RIR cockerel out to the big girls coop the other night, just so he could say hello, it was soooo funny. He is just over 2 months old and thinks he's all that, but he took one look at those big fat hens and just drew closer into my chest, like uh-uh, you ain't putting me in there are you? Was very comical! But you could see he was terrified, as your little duckies would be. Patience is key, it will all come about.
very good information here, I will be watching this thread to see how it goes. I tried today to introduce my two 4wks old duckling to older about 8 wks and they were pecked, not too bad but I was not comfortable leaving them unsupervised. Will continue introducing them slowly longer times each day and see how it goes.

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