Introducing young (new) ducks to older ducks

very good information here, I will be watching this thread to see how it goes. I tried today to introduce my two 4wks old duckling to older about 8 wks and they were pecked, not too bad but I was not comfortable leaving them unsupervised. Will continue introducing them slowly longer times each day and see how it goes.
Your going about it in the right way, How about some pics.
Your going about it in the right way, How about some pics.
This are the older ducks a few days ago, will take a pic of them with the 4wks old ones tomorrow.

they are not very clear.

By the way Ms Linda, I have tried to have them get in the pond but they won't, do I have to literally catch them and put them in? or should I take away the little basin of water I put in their run? Or what do you advice?
My babies are 5 Weeks and have talked to my big duck through the fence for a week, and spent face to face time together 2 days, like an hour a day. At first babies were all excited acting like big duck was their mom, but she seems afraid of them.,she backs up when they approach her. Should I let them in with her just a few at a time? Would that help her? She hasn't seen another duck since she was 2 days old, it took me almost a year to find more muscovies.
My babies are 5 Weeks and have talked to my big duck through the fence for a week, and spent face to face time together 2 days, like an hour a day. At first babies were all excited acting like big duck was their mom, but she seems afraid of them.,she backs up when they approach her. Should I let them in with her just a few at a time? Would that help her? She hasn't seen another duck since she was 2 days old, it took me almost a year to find more muscovies.
It does take time for them to accept other into their fold, flock even of one but before you know it they will all be best buddies Just keep doing what your doing time together supervised with treats handed out to ease tension, It's hilarious how adult ducks are so scared of youngins, most of my flock are scared of my 2 goslings. even my huge drakes.
This are the older ducks a few days ago, will take a pic of them with the 4wks old ones tomorrow.

they are not very clear.

By the way Ms Linda, I have tried to have them get in the pond but they won't, do I have to literally catch them and put them in? or should I take away the little basin of water I put in their run? Or what do you advice?
First off are you sure you don't have snapping turtles? they will bite feet off of ducks and even eat young ducklings. Once you know there aren't any snappers in there then maybe wade out with them, if they follow you around on land they will probably follow you into the pond if they like dried meal worms try wadding out and turn towards where they are on shore and tossing some towards them they float real good and might entice them to get into the water. Ducklings follow the leader and normally it would be a mama leading them into the water, So are you ready mama?
First off are you sure you don't have snapping turtles? they will bite feet off of ducks and even eat young ducklings. Once you know there aren't any snappers in there then maybe wade out with them, if they follow you around on land they will probably follow you into the pond if they like dried meal worms try wadding out and turn towards where they are on shore and tossing some towards them they float real good and might entice them to get into the water. Ducklings follow the leader and normally it would be a mama leading them into the water, So are you ready mama?

I saw a turtle move in about 2 months ago and now it has one baby, not sure if its a snapping turtle or not but the wild ducks that used to come weekly are no longer coming. How to I get rid of the turtles, I want my pond for ducks only and they do follow me I just need to make sure its safe for them.
I saw a turtle move in about 2 months ago and now it has one baby, not sure if its a snapping turtle or not but the wild ducks that used to come weekly are no longer coming. How to I get rid of the turtles, I want my pond for ducks only and they do follow me I just need to make sure its safe for them.

More info from BYC..
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Update with better pictures of my 18 Cayuga ducklings. They had their second outing into the great outdoors this a.m. and were much more relaxed. Ran around as a flock (I know the proper name is a brace of ducks, flock is only if in flight but flock works for me). Interestingly the adult ducks I have (Khaki Campbell, Cayuga and Blue Swedish) took one look and ran to the farthest end of the forage field. On their first outing three of the adult ducks came over to check them out. So, when the time comes in a month or so, to merge the two flocks, it promises to be a real circus. Maybe having the chickens out in the field at the same time will help diffuse any aggression. By the way, the chickens don't seem even remotely interested in them.

P.S. I am also posting these pictures to the Cayuga duck thread so advance apologies to those who end up with double postings.

Update with better pictures of my 18 Cayuga ducklings. They had their second outing into the great outdoors this a.m. and were much more relaxed. Ran around as a flock (I know the proper name is a brace of ducks, flock is only if in flight but flock works for me). Interestingly the adult ducks I have (Khaki Campbell, Cayuga and Blue Swedish) took one look and ran to the farthest end of the forage field. On their first outing three of the adult ducks came over to check them out. So, when the time comes in a month or so, to merge the two flocks, it promises to be a real circus. Maybe having the chickens out in the field at the same time will help diffuse any aggression. By the way, the chickens don't seem even remotely interested in them.

P.S. I am also posting these pictures to the Cayuga duck thread so advance apologies to those who end up with double postings.

My goodness how they have grown. and so funny how you tell us about them and the adults. look forward to seeing and hearing about this circus when it happens. How's Duke?
My goodness how they have grown. and so funny how you tell us about them and the adults. look forward to seeing and hearing about this circus when it happens. How's Duke?
As funny as ducklings are and as beautiful as Cayuga's are when fully grown their interplay with an existing adult flock (mini though it may be) is half the fun of what is going on around here. The circus to come will, I am sure, be fully reported here as it happens. Of course the bigger circus will be Robert and I trying to control everything instead of letting nature take it's course. As for Duke, well it looks like it may be our fault. Seems most likely that he has an allergic reaction to the carpet cleaner we used when we last shampooed the carpet. The bottle said Pet Strength, guess we should be looking more for pet friendly!!! Anyway he is on a steroid medication for 10 days to help deal with his itching and now gets fish oil pills for his skin and coat. Sure has funny smelling breath for a dog. More like a cat but don't tell him that.

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