Introducing younger chicks to older flock


8 Years
Oct 24, 2011

I have new chicks hatdhed in April that i want to put in with chicks hatched in
February. What is the best way to do it and what should i watch out for?

There are two mistake roosters in the older bunch but i dont mind culling them if that is safer. Older bunch is 14 birds younger is 15.

Thanks so much!

Can you free range your flock? How big is the run area the that the big ones are in? In my experience the more your integrating the less bullying (since there are so many they can't necessarily keep track of all the newbies). Also here is a helpful article on the subject: Adding New Chickens to Your Flock
Cant free range now as were having a terrible time with a fox family in the area (possibly another thread).

The article was very helpful, my coop is two rooms so i will put the younger on one side with a screen between.

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