

6 Years
Apr 25, 2013
My son and I have 12 chickens for egg laying. Over time they have also become our wonderful and valued pets too. We have a mixed flock of 3 Ameraucanas, 2 Buff Orphingtons, 1 Dorking, 1 Ancona, 2 Delawares, and 2 new chicks this year- Jersey Giants. Our birds are very social and love to be around us. Our Ancona is especially attached to me as she frequently perches on my shoulder when I go into the garden! I look forward to learning more about chickens and chicken care here.

On a separate subject, I am currently working on a chicken related project. I am an internationally known artist. My specialty has been dog art though I also paint wild birds and cats. I have created art for many clients including the Danbury Mint. I created 12 original paintings for their limited edition collector plates of Papillon and Dachshund dogs. One of the companies in the pet industry who licenses my artwork has given me a new assignment. They would like me to create paintings of the five most popular chicken breeds to appear on their gift ware. I don't know which breeds are the most popular nor which to choose. Any advice as to which breeds I should paint for this project would be greatly appreciated!
Maybe they would want you to paint "Heritage Breeds,"
Do you know which ones I should focus on? I am supposed to focus on popular backyard chicken breeds. Tentatively, I was thinking Rhode Island Red, Buff Orphington, Barred Rock, Delaware or white Plymouth rock, and either red Maran or black Jersey Giant. Some of these are listed as "heritage breeds" on the livestock conservancy web site.....
Greetings from Kansas, Zienna, and
! Pleased you joined us! Wow! What a great project! I'm not sure what the most popular breeds without knowing how to define 'popular.' I know there breeds that are more recognizable, or have become imbedded in our culture...the Cornflakes box rooster I believe is a Welsummer. But I don't think Welsummer is anywhere near the top 10 of breeds most kept. By number, the Cornish Cross is the most prevalent bird for the dinner table...making it popular by that definition....but in my opinion few would want to see its image adorned on a plate....they don't often place high in "best looking chicken" voting. For the egg market it would be the White Leghorn...the numbers of this breed may be the greatest of all. I could see one's image on a plate. One's that will likely make it on the list will be Barred Rocks, and Rhode Island Reds...maybe Buff Orpingtons. Beyond that? You might inquire at the link below...not sure how official this site is but maybe they have the data to back up the list of popular breeds. Looking forward to seeing the finished product. Good luck!
THANK YOU flock master for your suggestions. I have been trying to figure this project out and you have been very helpful. I have worked for many years painting specific dog breeds. So when I was given this chicken project to do I thought in terms of "what are the most popular breeds". This is how I would approach a dog project. Maybe for chickens I should focus on which chicken breeds are most recognizable in our culture. My son and I know each of our chickens by breed, name, and personality. But other members of our family and friends just see them as those white ones, brown ones, speckled ones, etc. So perhaps I should focus on colors and breeds iconic to our culture and less on breed specificity. So if I use this criteria I should paint a red bird (Rhode Island Red), a white bird (Leghorn or Rhode Island White), a black bird (black Australorp), a Welsummer (iconic on the corn flakes box), and a Barred Rock (blk and white barred). And if I can sell it- one more (Buff Orphington). What do you think??
THANK YOU flock master for your suggestions. I have been trying to figure this project out and you have been very helpful. I have worked for many years painting specific dog breeds. So when I was given this chicken project to do I thought in terms of "what are the most popular breeds". This is how I would approach a dog project. Maybe for chickens I should focus on which chicken breeds are most recognizable in our culture. My son and I know each of our chickens by breed, name, and personality. But other members of our family and friends just see them as those white ones, brown ones, speckled ones, etc. So perhaps I should focus on colors and breeds iconic to our culture and less on breed specificity. So if I use this criteria I should paint a red bird (Rhode Island Red), a white bird (Leghorn or Rhode Island White), a black bird (black Australorp), a Welsummer (iconic on the corn flakes box), and a Barred Rock (blk and white barred). And if I can sell it- one more (Buff Orphington). What do you think??

Sounds like a great selection of birds! Please keep us posted!!

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