

Mar 17, 2015
Hi. My name's Joe and I live in Hemet, CA. Ive been wanting some hens for a while now but my wife put her foot down stating that we have too many pets. I own a pet store. Im supposed to have a lot of pets, right? I have a big fenced in lot at my store, so i finally had a place to keep a flock. I started with four RIR's and added (2 each) banty's, leghorns and barred rocks. My ten girls just started laying. Im only getting three eggs a day on average, but with summer creeping in, I think production will increase. Im feeding them purina layena, regular scratch and meal worms. Every day about five o'clock, all the reds come up to the side glass doors and prance around waiting for me to come out with a handfull of mealworms. Theyre like dogs. I have a question for you experienced keepers. An old man at the feed store picked out the two rocks gor me by holding them up by the neck. He said if they struggle, they're male and if they just go limp, they're female. Have any of you heard of this method? We'll it worked. Not sure how scientific it is, but the two he picked out as hens, are infact hens. Anyway, glad I found thus site. Backyard chicjens is a great hobby.
Hi :welcome

Glad you could join the flock! Chickens are very wise as to who has the treats!! Mine love meal worms too. I can't say I have ever heard of the method of sexing by picking them up by the neck. I personally would not like to do it this way.

Wishing you the very best of luck with your flock in the future. Be sure to ask any questions you may have, everyone here to help and very friendly.

Enjoy BYC and all the chicken chat :frow
and Welcome to BYC!

Glad to have you join! Feel free to make yourself at home!
I wouldn't care for the way he picks them - poor chicks could be injured that way. I'm sure a coin toss would be as accurate
. Chance was on his side. Welcome to Backyard Chickens Joe, glad you came over to the chicken side.

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