Introdusing new duckling

Dawn C

Jun 19, 2020
We started raising two ducklings in March. Unfortunately one was attacked by a fox. I mistakenly left the door to their coop open and they got out wandering the yard at the wrong time. We were afraid the remaining female (about 3 months old) would be lonely so we got another duck two nights ago. The new duck is 5 weeks old and was free range. When we got home and let her out of the box she took off! She was so freighten - it took us a while to catch her. We assumed she would stay right with us like our other duck does when we are out with her. She is very skidish. We are introducing her to the 3 month old slowly. Will she ever be calm and want to just hang with her people? Or will she always have the free range spirit? We dont want to keep her pinned up all the time but we cant let her out either or she will run. Should we have gotten a hatchling instead for our older duck?
Thank you all! This morning we put the baby in the run with the older and they actually seem happy! Both eating and drinking. The baby is mimicking everything the older does. We are going to gradually do this and supervised until we can trust no harm will come to the baby
I'm introducing a lonely 2mo duckling I got today to my other 2 - same age but are siblings. ATM, 3's a crowd. But early days.

In terms of pets previously being allowed to run "wild", I have a rescue hen who was abandoned and literally running wild for weeks before she came to us. I separated her but she could see the others and feel unthreatened in her new home. She had 3mths in a separate bed while we gradually introduced her to our flock. Now she snuggles at night with her crew. Pecking order is a big thing in featherland. I know she's a chicken and you have a duck. Baby steps...hugs to you and your new baby ❤️
Right now she is in a brooter until we feel comfortable putting her in the run/coop with 3 month old. We take her out several times a day and play with her and hold her in our garage so she cant run away. Tried treats and feed but she wont eat from our hands. I feel bad for her - she is by herself and use to running free

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