Intruder alert! Intruder alert!


Has Fainting Chickens
14 Years
Dec 25, 2007
Chaparral, New Mexico
I had just gone to bed a few minutes ago and suddenly just as I turn the light off.... the roos sound the intruder alert! I had a coyote go through early this morning so I thought he might be back. I grabbed my pistol and robe and ran to the front door; just in time to see Coby flogging the heck out the baseball cap and denim shirt I left hanging on the shovel earlier. It's windy and flapping,, but he sure took care of it!
Too funny!
Yeah, he got that shirt and just flogged the heck out of it. Once the cap was on the ground he didn't care about it. And I just realized I put this under the wrong heading, it was supposed to be under stories of my chickens!
Thanks for straightening that out!

I'm single,, but I have a heck of a funny story about my ex husband that would go right along with this.. it might even be on here somewhere!

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