Iodine in drinking water

It is so sad how everyone wants to dismiss something so simple just because they don't know anything about it.

I don't know about ducks and chickens, but in people iodine is absolutely critical for normalizing hormones. For females, lack of iodine can cause breast cancer and also a ton of diseases. Our soils are extremely deficient in iodine, especially areas inland from the coasts. For me personally, I always had cold feet until I started taking iodine. Now my feet are warm because the iodine regulated my metabolism. I also have a general, happy, well being kind of feeling whereas before I was kind of depressed. (By the way, lack of iodine is the main cause for retardation in children - bet you didn't know that little fact!) Also, iodine used to be called the 'Universal Medicine' before the modern age.

So I believe that iodine in their drinking water would have multiple benefits, not just cleaning their drinking water but also regulating their hormones and also adding some much needed iodine in their eggs. (By the way iodine is an antibacterial, antifungal, antivirus, and anticancer agent.)

I'll let you know how it works as I just added it to their (ducks) drinking water tonight for the first time.

PS- It is my opinion that the iodine that was added to the chickens water helped regulate their hormones so they weren't as crabby and less likely to fight. (I know a few women that could use some!!!)

PPS- Please don't automatically dismiss old wives tales immediately without trying them. There is a lot of wisdom out there that is being laughed at that we really need. Remember, people have lived on this planet for thousands of years before modern (expensive) medicine was around and they survived just fine, and were probably healthier, happier and wiser than we are today.
How much and how do you use iodine for yourself? Like in water or?? I am wanting to try this for myself as well as my chickens and possibly ducks but I haven't really heard anything about the ducks on iodine anywhere.. I am making a gravity fed watering barrel and want to use it for both ducks and chickens and I will be adding iodine to it
I do not mean to resurrect this post, but just want to know if a few drops of provolone iodine is ok to add to their drinking water, or is it a different iodine??
Ok I read through all of these posts and didn't see anything regarding using 10% iodine. I have tried to use conversation but I don't want to hurt my flock. Does anyone know if I can dilute the 10%iodine solution into a 1 gallon waterer or a 5 gallon if necessary? Or is 10% to high to dilute? I'm new to chickens but figured it's cheap enough not to use it to prevent any new parasites or diseases. Also my hens are around 5 months and are not laying eggs yet. I wondered if it may help regulate hormones and help get them laying?
Iodine is in the soil. Your chickens may be getting enough iodine if they forage. Wheat contains iodine, if there is iodine in the soil it is grown in. Google iodine in soil of (your state).
I asked if the iodine I had bought was safe and was told that you can give them iodized salt or free choice minerals instead.
I'm going to dig back further in this post for anyone that's reading and caution that if you are feeding a strictly commercial or mostly commercial diet, do not give your chickens added salt in their feed as a source of iodine. Commercial feed usually always contains the salt needed and salt toxicity is fairly easily reached as far as I understand. If you want to free choice a salt somewhere they can peck at it, okay, but please do not mix it in feed. Iodine in water is likely going to be the easiest way to administer. I would say to get an iodine that is actually meant for ingestion, and not something like betadine, but I don't know too much about the different varieties of iodine on market....
Fun fact! In Canada, the only fast food restaurant you could solely survive off of is apparently Burger King because they actually use iodized salt, unlike all the other fast food chains. If humans don't get enough iodine it will cause thyroid issues, so I imagine chickens could suffer the same problems.

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