Iodine use

BCR 2023

Aug 5, 2023
I bought 10% iodine before I saw most people use 1% and 2%. Can I dilute the 10% enough to use in my gallon waterer's? Or 5 gallons if necessary.
This is what I bought. Can I use this? If not can you please help me specify what I should use instead? Thank you 🤣
I planned on using this as a preventative for parasites. My chickens have had mites which I successfully treated. Also I have feather footed chickens in which they had all had feather cysts which I understand is due to genetics. One suggestion for minimizing that issue I found, was to add iodine to the water.... lol suggestions?
I planned on using this as a preventative for parasites. My chickens have had mites which I successfully treated. Also I have feather footed chickens in which they had all had feather cysts which I understand is due to genetics. One suggestion for minimizing that issue I found, was to add iodine to the water.... lol suggestions?
Do you have a link to the info/articles for treating the feather cysts and parasites?

You could use the Povidone Iodine in water to help sanitize it, you'd need to look up the instructions how to use it.

1 or 2% Iodine is used to treat water temporarily for when flocks have Fowl Pox, but it's not something I would use consistently to treat water for them to drink all the time.

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