Iowa Blues - Breed thread and discussion

Here's a few pictures of my favorite cockerel from my early march hatch. (Eggs came from Kari McKay-Widdel).

This pic isn't the best pic of him, but it shows so very nicely his blue sheen in the tail. I wish it would have shown more of the sheen, but you can see the blue is there. I have been very inpressed with now nicely the blue is showing up on the tails of my cockerels. All three of them so far have been developing this. It's quite beautiful and stunning to look at in person.

Here's a couple of nice shots of the fella

What a nice round and wide head on this guy.......

Fullness and width of breast........

Hope you all enjoy the pics, I'll get a few more on of the pullets in just a little bit.
Here's one of the SP Pullets....although she wasn't to intrigued with the idea of having her pic taken......

She looks a bit gamey, but it's just her startled pose....she's much more level and full in the breast when she's in her natural stance. She was thinking she could fly out of the pen that I had her in......
And here's the second pullet. She too looks a little gamey from her startled appearance. But Kari can attest that they look fuller in person! :)

These birds (both pullets and the cockerel) where hatched on March 2. So, not quite 2 and a half months old. I also have three SP chicks that were hatched at the end of April, and another 12 eggs due the end of this month.
They are great looking birds for so young !

If those pullets are too gamey for you I will take them off your hands in a heartbeat !


Keep them coming looking like those.
Well....I think I'm going to have to pass on moving those pullets on! hahaha
They look gamey in the photos, but they are much fuller in person. Kari has done a GREAT job on the breeding of these over the years. These photos are evidence of the positive impact Kari has made!
I'm afraid it is a comon trait in the chicks sired by Rex. He is tall and puts a good frame on his chicks, but they are leaner than I'd like them to be. Of course they are pretty young yet. the oldest of his brood are were hatched in January. Definately keep a cockerel that will off set that lean body type and put some more substance on them.

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