Iowa Blues - Breed thread and discussion

Looked into caponizing earlier this year. Looks like not a bad procedure once you know what you're doing. May do some in the future, but haven't yet. Figure if I can "surgerize" mammals, should be able to figure out a bird neuter.

I want to grow up both morphs to see how they mature before making any decisions on them. I'm still in the explore the full spectrum of the breed mode, then I'll make some culling choices.

Just curious if anyone has raised up chipmunk chicks and how they differed in adult plumage from black chicks.
I tried caponizing a year ago. Your best bet is to kill a bird and practice on it. It's best to wait a while too. I did mine too young.
Is anyone in need of another IA Blue roo? I now have the one remaining from my old flock and I'm not sure what to do with him. The three roos from the new flock are pretty well established and I know the older roos won't let him stay in the layer flock.
Yesterday he got loose when I was cleaning his cage and there was a huge fight between him and my EE roo Apollo. Before I could get them caught, Blue ended up with a bloody comb and a torn wattle. He is a very good patient - just stood on the edge of the bathroom sink while I cleaned him up giving dirty looks to the fascinated house cats.
That is one difference with the Iowa Blues I've discovered. Mine all dislike cats! No tolerence for them at all. It is the same for the new flock, although they tend to ignore them unless they get under foot. Or in the nest boxes.
This new batch of Iowa Blues are high speed foragers. The hens go every where at a run from one exciting spot to another and roosters come trotting after in frustration

I separated out 4 good hens and 1 roo to collect eggs for a hatch so we'll see if I can effect some improvement. I do have pictures, just gotta get em off the camera. Sorry I'm so sluggish! We're crazy behind on the garden.
i said we had some chipmunks.......
after a closer look at your photos mine are all like photo #1
your chipmunks have whitecheeks and lighter beaks
most of mine have wings like photo #1 with the brownish patterned on the wings
the down is black they do not have feathers everywhere yet
a couple seem to have black wing feathers no brown
Not the greatest Mother's day morning today. Woke up at 6am to head out to a dog show, came down the stairs to feed/water chicks as I do every morning, and found 15 dead chicks, the other 20 looking rough. What the? Water, check. Food, check. Heat light was off, but these chicks are weeks old and the room warm, haven't had the light on in a week or so. Come to find out DH's intent to make himself some spaghetti when the boys and I went to bed last night went awry. Boiled off the water and found the pan on the stove dry. Say hello to teflon toxicity, lost half my chicks including all but a 4 of my Iowa blues. 6 months planning and my Iowa Blue flock down the toilet. I've got 1 of Karimw's chicks left, 1 black and 2 chipmunks from Sandhill. Sigh.

Looks like I need to start planning again, so will definitely be hitting people up for more eggs.

Ah well. I've got the most beautiful boy in the world giving me kisses and calling me Ma Ma with the other most beautiful boy in the world blowing me wet raspberries. Happy Mother's Day.

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