Iowa Blues - Breed thread and discussion

Connie- it has been great having you back! I've missed the discussion.
Updating the site, moved things around a bit, added in some photos and information. Hopefully it's a little easier to navigate.

Now to get that membership list updated!
Curt, I seriously think we need another officer in the club, entitled Historian. You ROCK with your investigative skills and have pulled together an amazing amount of info this year!
Curt- these are my new babies! I am pretty sure I have 7 silver penciled (chestnut colored with penciled wings) and 3 Birchens. Sorry it isn't the best picture, but this is the only one that was decent on my phone, I will get some good pictures tomorrow with my camera. For those that are curious: I got my chicks from Denny Johnston, he is listed as a breeder in the website :) . I also got 2 cuckoo maran chicks and 2 3/4 IBs mixed with 1/4 Dark Brahma, apparently they will have more penciling than a pure IB.
Hey guys & gals! Check these out !!! Alison from the ALBC directed me to these links from the ALBC website. They are based off of selection information from the early 20th century. These are fantastic resources and I think would add great value to our undertaking.

Connie- Alison mentioned that we can copy these links to our website if we wanted to. Would you be willing to add them under a "Breeding Information" tab on the site the next time you have a scheduled site update? That would be awesome!

I also have a question for everyone out there. I've been thinking of working with the leadership to get some breeding information on our site. Things like; How to establish your own line, selection traits to breed for/against, breeding issues specific to the Iowa Blue, color genetics heredity of the Iowa Blue, information similar to what is posted in the above links, etc.
Is this something that would be of value to the membership, and something that would be utilitzed and desired by the club?
Curt, since I am still new to chickens in general, tips would be great to have on the website!
[FONT=arial, sans-serif]I've received email communication from Virginia Carabelli, an artist that is working on a biodiversity project focusing on chickens: [/FONT]
She requested some photos of an Iowa Blue rooster, so I forwarded her some photos of the older SP cockerel. She was very appreciative. Her response back:

Email Response:

Here's a chance for us to get info out there on our breed as well as potentially have some artwork including the breed. I'll have to ask if she'll allow us to share images of her portrait on the site. How cool.

Anyway, will let you guys know what she says as far as types of materials she wants. Curt, you had a short 2 page writeup earlier, I believe, that may be just the thing. Otherwise the longer history with the historical archives would be complete.

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