Iowa Blues - Breed thread and discussion

Sorry for going MIA the past couple of weeks, life has been crazy here with construction and everything else. Just wanted to show off my little flock, they're looking great! My cockerel's wings are getting tighter by the week, I'm very pleased with him as well. Attached are some grainy pictures I took with my iPad but you can see how they are all maturing. I did keep one Birchen pullet because of her size and type. If all goes as planned the girls should be laying shortly after the show.

Save an EE and a bantam Cochin I couldn't let go of, my place has gone strictly Iowa Blues and Ameraucanas. I'm liking the uniformity around here!

I'm getting ready to send in my show registration, who else is planning on bringing birds?
Great to see everyone's pictures and updates, excited to see everyone in Iowa City!




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I like them Dan, well done!! That big girl is lovely! Yes, that cockerel is birchen, but he is going to be nicely laced :)
Thanks Kari - Can you tell me anything about my sp cockerel re: pattern etc. from the photos? I haven't seen many sp Ks in my short experience with the breed.
The Eastern Iowa Poultry Association 143rd Annual show will be held 11/30-12/30 at the Sharpless Auction Complex in Iowa City, IA. IBCC has discussed having a display of birds and is also welcome to have a table for discussing and promoting the breed. If you would like to enter birds, it isn't too late. Just send me a private message and I'll be able to email you a copy of the catalog and entry form. Please have your entries post marked by 11/12/13.
The Eastern Iowa Poultry Association 143rd Annual show will be held 11/30-12/30 at the Sharpless Auction Complex in Iowa City, IA. IBCC has discussed having a display of birds and is also welcome to have a table for discussing and promoting the breed. If you would like to enter birds, it isn't too late. Just send me a private message and I'll be able to email you a copy of the catalog and entry form. Please have your entries post marked by 11/12/13.

We are having difficulty finding someone to do the required test on our birds, not sure if we can bring any? They are from Kari's NPIP flock, but not sure being new if we need to do the test on them before entering? I have the catalog and entry forms, just not sure how to get the necessary testing and the State Vet has left my email inquiry unanswered.
We are having difficulty finding someone to do the required test on our birds, not sure if we can bring any? They are from Kari's NPIP flock, but not sure being new if we need to do the test on them before entering? I have the catalog and entry forms, just not sure how to get the necessary testing and the State Vet has left my email inquiry unanswered.
No worries, Candy. We will have a tester on site. They will need to go through the sale area directly to the tester. Once your birds are tested, you may check in at the desk, as Kevin will give you your certificate. I would be willing to test them for you as well, but you would need to bring your birds to me. I will be testing other's birds on Wednesday this week.
No worries, Candy. We will have a tester on site. They will need to go through the sale area directly to the tester. Once your birds are tested, you may check in at the desk, as Kevin will give you your certificate. I would be willing to test them for you as well, but you would need to bring your birds to me. I will be testing other's birds on Wednesday this week.

Oh, that makes things a bit more interesting. Should we think about bringing them? Are entries needed for IaBs? We are coming to the show but were not sure we could bring the birds with us. We have never shown any birds and have no idea what to do
Oh, that makes things a bit more interesting. Should we think about bringing them? Are entries needed for IaBs? We are coming to the show but were not sure we could bring the birds with us. We have never shown any birds and have no idea what to do
It's always good to bring birds to show. It supports the show with entries, and financially There are some webisites that give great info on prepping your birds. is also a great website to learn from and keep track of shows in your driving distance. Yes, entries are needed for Iowa Blues, and at more shows than just ours. They really attract a lot of attention, so be prepared to answer questions! Carry a copy of the proposed standard with you to discuss. Good luck!

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