Is 100lbs of chick starter too much for 6 chicks?

You'll be using that feed for about 4 months - so as long as you have a place where it can stay fresh.....I think the 100lb bag should be fine!
Just to add my two cents, never buy more than will go bad in 3 weeks (Because of the finer texture, it goes sour faster). Also, the feed stores will usually sell by the pound also, not just by the bag. If they don't, ask. If they still don't, look for another feed store! I just bought 10 pounds of mash for 40 cents a pound (4.00) It will be more than enough to get me to the 4 weeks when we go to crumbles.
Yes, but that feed consumption increases exponentially once they grow a little. I raised 36 chicks last spring - the 1st 50# bag lasted 5 weeks, but by the time they were 3 months old a 50# bag lasted 4 days. You'll use it!
A 50# bag of feed lasted 4 months for my 5 chicks.
Then I bought another 50# bag of feed and they started laying eggs a month later.
really tho, you'll use it, and the peeps can go to the coop/run at 8weeks for good at which time you can mix grains in,
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If you are not careful about the feeder, they will waste about half. I copied an idea from another member using 4" PVC and made it one better by having it gravity fed and filled from outside the coop. The main thing though was the 4" fitting angle slightly upward. The chicks (mine are now grown) have to stick their head in the tube to eat, so they scatter very little and waste if kept to almost none.
Oh yes, I should have said that I gave them the treat mixture when they were much, much older. Not chicks. I would freeze as suggested any left over and make treats out of it when they are older and can handle it. Good point.
Yes, but that feed consumption increases exponentially once they grow a little. I raised 36 chicks last spring - the 1st 50# bag lasted 5 weeks, but by the time they were 3 months old a 50# bag lasted 4 days. You'll use it!

I have notice the same trend. I have a small can I have been keeping the chicks feed in downstairs (they are about a week old and in the brooder downstairs). They are just starting to get an appetite and I finished the can off. I have to go out to the barn and refill it. By this weekend same can will be empty again in about half the time.

I think I would worry more about where to store it. I use one to those big plastic trash cans on wheels. Keep it dry and away from the critters.​

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