Is $3.00 a good price for processing?


9 Years
Jul 11, 2010
North Carolina
I found a local slaughter house that will process for $3.00 a bird. $0.25 for vacuum sealed bags. Is that a good price? I really want to learn to do the dead myself, but I have two little ones and I can't spend a day or two processing birds. It's just impossible for me right now.

What do y'all think? I'm just trying to figure out how this can work for me.
The USDA-inspected processor near us charges $2.80 a bird up to 5 pounds. After that I believe it's $0.50 extra per additional pound. I've seen some folks post on BYC that they get it done for around $1.50. I would guess you don't have mant options. I suppose you could put an ad/request on here or craigslist for someone to butcher perhaps.
Negotiate!! Most butchers are willing to deal if it's in bulk. $2 is average around me, so $3 is a bit outrageous unless you are doing only one bird. If you are doing several, ask if they would be willing to go lower. You can also contact other farmers in the area, many will offer butchering services on the side at a much cheaper rate.
I agree, good price. And my opinion, if you can't do it yourself the reason you are probably raising your own meat is for quality, ethical or health reasons. So, a slaughter house is better than some random person off Craigslist. Unless you could get references and check out how sanitary, humane, etc. the person is that will process for you.
I'd be happy if I had someone to do just a few birds for $3 a piece... I might expect a bit cheaper if you had like 25 birds or more though...
We pay $3 here, and I think it's a bargain! Mainly because I really don't want to do this chore myself. We have only brought in small quantities of birds, so we never asked for bulk pricing.

I think with any service it is often an individual decision whether or not it is a worthwhile cost. I know people who will pay someone $30 to come clean their house for an hour, and I would never do that.
Try butchering a few birds and see what you think. I would pay 3.00 each for a nice job with all the feathers pulled and not having to put up with the smell.
I pay $1.40 per bird. I usually have 25-30 being done. My butcher gets them done in two hours. I bring them home in my coolers and bag them. If you have any Amish families in your area, I would ask them if they would butcher them for you.

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