Is 35 degrees too cold for chickens?

They are totally fine. My ladies have a covered run but I leave the door open to the yard during daylight hours year round. They choose to hop through the snow rather than stay in the coop or run. As long as they have a draft free place to roost at night with a nice wide roosting bar they should be fine. It typically gets down to the single digits here in MA in January and February. We've had no problems.
Thank you for all the answers!!

i feel so embarassed. I didn't know chickens were so cold-hardy! I will probably just close up one vent on the wind side. I went to the coop today, freaking out if one of them had frozen or something, and I got four beaks in my face for scratch. They were fine, as you say.
You ought not to feel embarrased, Adeechickluv. None of us newbies would know any better if those with experience hadn't told us. I'm still a bit nervous about the 13 degree low that's projected for Tuesday, but I'm less nervous than I was.
Most of mine do just fine until below zero...then they act cold...I up their feed, give them lots of wheat and treats of whole helps generate body heat...

Just make sure they are DRY and out of any's the combo of wet & drafts (wind) that is deadly...

Otherwise, if they dry and out of the wind, they do well...

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