Is a Sasso Hen a Good Egg Layer?


7 Years
Jun 15, 2016
Cape Breton, Nova Scotia
My friends got some Sasso cockerels to raise as meat birds this year but one turned out to be a hen. Since I have a small flock of chickens, they asked if I would be willing to take their Sasso hen for the winter (they can't overwinter chickens yet). But I'm wondering--since the Sasso is bred to be a meat bird, how do the hens perform re: egg laying--esp through the winter (we have cold but not freezing cold winters here)? How is the general health of Sassos once they get past the age when they're supposed to be slaughtered? Anyone have any experience with Sasso hens? Any other advice you have about them would be great. Thanks!
Never heard of them.
Did an advanced search here for you....browse thru the threads and see what you find.
advances search>titles only> sasso
Thanks, aart. I did the same search with the same results.

Sasso's are a "man-made" meat bird. Not a heritage breed at all. Similar to free rangers, I think. Normally I prefer my heritage chickens but when my friends asked me to take this hen I thought I'd do some research.
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