Is any breed docile AND a great layer?

Henrik Petersson

11 Years
Jan 9, 2009
Karlskrona, Sweden
We have a flock of brown layer hybrids and a mixed breed hen. The mixed breed hen is docile and a little bullied, and I'm thinking about buying 2 docile hens to be her companions.

I'd prefer if these docile hens also lay a lot of eggs.

Now, all prolific egg layers I've seen are either hyperactive bullies (brown layer hybrids) or skittish nervous wrecks that get a heart-attack if you approach them from a mile away (Leghorn). Whereas all docile hens only lay an average amount of eggs (Brahma, Orpington).

Is there any breed that is both considered docile and a great layer? I'm leaning towards Faverolles, more than one person have claimed they lay a lot (especially in winter), and they are definitely docile. They're fairly easy to come by in my parts as well.
Australorp are docile and good layers.

Favarolle tend to get picked on because they are so super docile.

Since you have hybrid layers they may not mix well and then your one bullied bird becomes 3+ bullied birds.

My Australorp are mellow and do well with maintaining a high rank without drawing blood or putting up with crap from the hybrids.
I don't know what breeds you have available to you, but you might look at Henderson's chicken breeds thread. No doubt the strains you have available to you will be different than the ones we have here in the states. Why, RIR might even be a docile breed there, but here she has a reputation of being a nasty tempered biddy.

I am partial to Plymouth Barred Rock to meet your criteria. You might also try White Rock. Or Australorpe.
Leghorns docile? And Silkies great layers? Are you sure about this?

Leghorns docile? Emphatically no. They are skittish, and like all Mediterranean breeds have a rep of being bullies.

Silkies great layers? Double Emphatically no. They are chronically broody, and not prolific layers. And often picked on by normal feathered chickens. Also prone to being parasite magnets.

Henderson's chicken breeds chart looks at each breed and compares productivity, egg size, behavior traits, broodiness as well as other characteristics.

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