PepsNick, we can have chickens here in NYC... or are you specifically talking about manhattan? in that case i'm sure it's much harder! i live in queens now so i have a backyard, but i grew up in Spanish Harlem (El Barrio) and i remember hearing a rooster crowing early saturday mornings when i went out on the fire-escape (hopefully he was not for cockfighting
). the people who live on the first floor of the buildings on my block had yards.... it's much harder to have chickens in manhattan but not impossible! of course the rooster was illegal but i think people would've had space for about 3 hens as long as their yard wasn't all concrete.
although, alot of things have changed since then
the new buldings that are going up in that area don't seem to allow for much outdoor space... what a shame!
Queens in the House!!
I am in Bayside and have 3 hens...
Lets stay in touch NYC!
By the way, QhoopiePie, which part of Queens do you live? Maybe we can watch each others' chickens while away on vacation? I need someone on call and would be happy to do the same.