is BLR or Lemon blue colors that you can show?

You can show them, but they have to be shown in the Any Other Variety catagory and can not win Best Of Show.

They are not recognized colors.
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I can't speak to Large Fowl, as I don't have the APA Standard, but both Blue Laced Red and Lemon Blue are recognized colors in the ABA Standard.

BUT, it all depends on what Breed you are referencing. For instance, Lemon Blue is an accepted color variety in Bantam Cochins, but BLR is not.
Actually both are recognised colours depending on what breed you're interested in.
Lemon blue banty cochin and BLRW... could we show the lemon blue banty cochin in cochin or have to be any other color group? Also,for the BLRW same question...just got my copy of Standard of perfection and they were not listed as DQ's.going to ohio nationas to get some new birds and don't want to get the wrong colors...I'm looking for some nice SQ birds for us to start with...
Wendy'sChicksRock :

Lemon blue banty cochin and BLRW... could we show the lemon blue banty cochin in cochin or have to be any other color group? Also,for the BLRW same question...just got my copy of Standard of perfection and they were not listed as DQ's.going to ohio nationas to get some new birds and don't want to get the wrong colors...I'm looking for some nice SQ birds for us to start with...

Lemon Blue is an accecpted colour in Cochin Bantams in the ABA Standard but not in the APA Standard. Blue Laced Wyandottes have not been admitted to either Standard as far as I know.
A colour would not be listed as a disqualification.
Blue Laced Red Wyandottes can & are shown but they can not place above best variety.
It is difficult to find birds in either of the breeds/varieties you're interested in that represent the breed well. Both need a lot of work.
You may well find some Blue Laced Red Wyandottes for sale at the Ohio National but probably not any Lemon Blue Cochin Bantams. They're rarely seen.​
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Lemon Blue is an accecpted colour in Cochin Bantams in the ABA Standard but not in the APA Standard. Blue Laced Wyandottes have not been admitted to either Standard as far as I know.
A colour would not be listed as a disqualification.
Blue Laced Red Wyandottes can & are shown but they can not place above best variety.
It is difficult to find birds in either of the breeds/varieties you're interested in that represent the breed well. Both need a lot of work.
You may well find some Blue Laced Red Wyandottes for sale at the Ohio National but probably not any Lemon Blue Cochin Bantams. They're rarely seen.

Thank you so much for the info.. I still have a lot to learn and this web site is AWESOME for newbies like me...

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