Is Chick ok after piping two days ago?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Sep 29, 2009
We had a chick that piped two days ago. He still hadn't broken out today so I chipped the shell and pulled the membrane off him. He was stuck. The membrane was dried out and stuck to him. I placed him in a seperate brooder since the others are active and healthy. He seems to be ok but is sleeping alot. He can move when he gets up and doesn't seem to have any physical problems. Is it normal for him to sleep most of the day since he was in the egg two days trying to get out? Should I leave him by himself or try to put him in with the other four? He broke through the shell on Tuesday morning and I helped him out about 10am today. He was very vocal this morning but has been sleeping most of the day.
Well it sounds as though your chick was shrink wrapped. And i had a chick in the same situation, and he was very vocal and did sleep quite a bit. be sure it has water and your chick will probably be fine!
Thank you. Do you think I should keep him seperate from the others for a couple of days until he becomes active? He dried matted so I took a warm wash cloth and wiped him down. It left yellow on the rag. He still dried matted will he fluff up in a couple of days?
Yea. He will fluff up and yes you should keep him seperate for a little while so he doesnt get picked on. Good luck to you. I also recromend getting him a feather duster so he doesnt feel all alone. :)

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