Is Daisy a Duke?

Oh good- I'm glad there's no limit. Around here in city limits people can only have 3 hens (I'm not in city limits) -- if you're looking for older birds, just remember to do all the quarantine processes -- it's like a bunch of classes from different schools going to the planetarium together on a field trip. One class has been exposed to and has immunity to one thing and the other class hasn't been ... and so all apparently healthy kids end up sick because their bodies didn't know what to do with the new bug from a different school even though nobody from that school was sick... chicks from a hatchery tend not to bring problems.
I agree that looks like a Duke! I have a RIR who is about that age, and I gotta say, the comb on yours is much larger. I'm sorry you're not allowed to have any rooster, that's a shame :(

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