Is grazing a MUST for geese?


10 Years
Feb 12, 2009
Western North Carolina
Out of necessity I had to move my geese to an area of my yard that has no grass. They are still in a very large area but there is no grazing for them now. Will they be ok? I will supplement their diet with greens but it won't be as steady as grazing. Is this ok for them?
It is not great but geese survive where snow is on the ground all winter and graze is non existant. Keep an eye out for feather eating since they tend to that when they can't graze. Also see if you can get some nice fresh hay they will eat that if graze is not available. Fresh lawn clippings too.
It is not great but geese survive where snow is on the ground all winter and graze is non existant. Keep an eye out for feather eating since they tend to that when they can't graze. Also see if you can get some nice fresh hay they will eat that if graze is not available. Fresh lawn clippings too.

Thank you so much.
Any way you could throw wheat or oats out there on a regular basis and let them sprout. They grow to grazing size in a matter of days to a couple of weeks depending upon time of year and temperatures. Extremely cheap and easy to do this, just scatter and scratch in if possible, then keep moist.

It won't survive long term by any means (and, its annual or biennial anyway), but it will make good temporary grazing for them.
When I had geese they really loved the grass hay. (There's plenty of that hay for sale here!)
They would go for the ones with seeds in them. I would put it all over the ground outside and put some in their shelter.

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