Is head lowering a mostly gander gesture?


Apr 25, 2015
I'm curious about this because I refuse to try and vent sex Cas. I don't want to accidentally hurt him, or have him become fearful of me. But I am wondering if the head lowering (with or without hissing) type posture is more of a gander behavior than a goose? Or, if early on, it's both sexes equally? Cas will lower his head, sometimes hiss, sometimes not, and charge my kids cat. Which I find hilarious to watch by the way LOL
He doesn't do this to me, or the hub, but will on occasion do this to our ADHD son who's 15 and moves kind of fast. I have read that as they become older, it's easier to tell ganders from geese by their posturing (not 100% accurate though because you can have a more aggresive/protective goose, or a really laid back gander) but I'm wondering if it starts early?
I have a pair of Chinese, a pair of Buff American, one Toulouse goose and 6 Sebbies, 4 ganders, 2 geese. At one time or another most of them have hissed at me. I don't think the Sebbie geese have, just the ganders.
I'm curious about this because I refuse to try and vent sex Cas. I don't want to accidentally hurt him, or have him become fearful of me. But I am wondering if the head lowering (with or without hissing) type posture is more of a gander behavior than a goose? Or, if early on, it's both sexes equally? Cas will lower his head, sometimes hiss, sometimes not, and charge my kids cat. Which I find hilarious to watch by the way LOL
He doesn't do this to me, or the hub, but will on occasion do this to our ADHD son who's 15 and moves kind of fast. I have read that as they become older, it's easier to tell ganders from geese by their posturing (not 100% accurate though because you can have a more aggresive/protective goose, or a really laid back gander) but I'm wondering if it starts early?
My ganders are sexually mature before they lower their heads and hiss at me or another human . But they will try it with other animals or children both sexes my females and ganders do it to my dogs they are big bullies I don't let them do it though I stop it because a dog can kill a goose pretty quick.
Last year Pear not once hissed at me, Kiwi however ALWAYS did whenever he saw me, I did not raise him.

Pear did, however, lower her head and chatter at me in a friendly way, but never mean.

All my goslings now lower their head, boys and girls, no hissing yet and I don't really expect it until next spring. Does Cas hiss?! I didn't know baby geese could even hiss LOL
What does it mean when they lower their heads at me?

Sometimes it can be an aggressive thing and sometimes it's just when they're curious or greeting you.

If they chatted friendly ways then they're greeting you but if they fluff up their feathers and hiss they don't want you near them.
Cas has only hissed twice, and both times were directed at my kids cat LOL. The first time, I ended up laughing hysterically because I think his own hissing startled him!
He lowers his head and chatters to me now but he's never hissed at me. Hope it stays that way!
Cas has only hissed twice, and both times were directed at my kids cat LOL. The first time, I ended up laughing hysterically because I think his own hissing startled him! :lau  He lowers his head and chatters to me now but he's never hissed at me. Hope it stays that way!

Well if he's a he next spring he'll be a little moody ;) are you going to get a female for him next year to get some babies or do you not want any more?

Next year I'm planning on separating all my breed pairs so I can get some pure bred babies!
Cas has only hissed twice, and both times were directed at my kids cat LOL. The first time, I ended up laughing hysterically because his own hissing startled him!
He lowers his head and chatters to me now but he's never hissed at me. Hope it stays that way!
My youngest gander will be 1 yr old last of this month and he hisses at me but all I have to do is open my arms like I'm going to pick him up for a cuddle and he back away. Hissing is very natural to a goose. even my females do it. Now my oldest gander who is 8yrs old he not only hisses but he bites so I have to be on guard with him constantly, he was born and raised here and takes his responsibility as Papa Goose very seriously.

That's funny he probably didn't know he had a hiss in there. lol
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If he stays happy as a single house goose, then I most likely won't get another, as he is a lot of work already! But, if he seems lonely as he gets older then I will look into getting him a friend once I know for certain what he is (not really for babies, but more so I don't end up with 2 ganders that fight with each other!)

Cas is starting to do new things every day, and I think sometimes he catches himself off guard! I really wish I had been taking a video of him the first time he hissed, because he startled so much he ran straight to me doing his baby "OMG let me tell you all about it" cries! Just heart melting!

Oh..also I should add another reason I'm really leaning towards him being a boy...he is growing SOOOOO fast. I'm not exaggerating when I say he literally is growing about an inch a day. Today he is the size of a full grown banty duck! See the picture in my avatar? Now today he towers over that wood piece and can step right over it! If you remember the pics of him straining a bit to reach his food bowls, now he has to bend down! I mean, I Know they grow fast but this is crazy! Lol His feet are enormous! I'll try to get him pictured next to something for a size comparison and post it up because his growth is just astounding to me! my best guess, he is 12 days old today.
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