Is it always this hard?!

When I started keeping chickens I knew nothing and made lots of mistakes that ended up with a few dead birds same as you. There's a steep learning curve but once you get something going that works for you, things can go fairly smooth.

I highly recommend not getting birds from multiple sources in one season. I learned that is the quickest way to have a sick flock. So perhaps picking a single source and going that route. I personally only get birds from one hatchery now as it limits disease exposure as well as the chicks being mostly sterile.

Chickens can get into all kinds of troubles. An occasional injury or illness can happen. And I've had predators take birds. I personally take a more hands off approach and don't treat for most things, and cull when necessary to build a healthy flock that stays healthy. I do have a can of bluekote. I give fresh clean water daily, a good rations and some scratch, and whatever produce or leftovers I have.

The most important thing is to always give them plenty of room, they can never have too much, and learn from your mistakes and difficulties. You are have a bit of bad luck, but don't get discouraged, I think you will eventually have everything even out.

As far as your limping hen, I would just wait and see. Giving medication unless you know for sure is needed isn't a good idea. I find most chickens are good at healing and recovering from things if just left alone. Wishing you luck that things get better for you.

I will definitely not be buying chickens from random sources anymore! I think if I ever get more I will order them from a hatchery.
I'm so happy your hen is doing better. I'm not sure that I would have thought to do that. Hopefully she keeps getting better.
I'm so happy your hen is doing better. I'm not sure that I would have thought to do that. Hopefully she keeps getting better.

Thank you so am I! I cried I was just so happy to see her doing better. She scratched around today outside and was not lethargic at all. Seems like she's back to herself but I'm going to keep a watchful eye. The only reason I even felt her crop was because I was researching all night on chicken illnesses and someone suggested to feel the crop. I'm so glad I did!
Thank you everyone for your advice and well wishes! My little buff brahma hen is still residing in the house but I believe I have figured out the issue. Her crop was very swollen and almost water balloon like. I did a crop massage about an hour ago and she started burping and after about 5 minutes the crop had shrunk to about 1/4 the original size. It did not look like she had eaten or drank anything so I believe maybe it is sour crop? After the massage she also expelled quite a bit of air out her bum and pooped a bunch. She immediately started acting better and started scratching around in the floor making little chicken noises. She also drank quite a bit of water on her own which she has not done all day! I've been having to dip her beak in the water to get her to drink. I will still be monitoring her closely but I am feeling so much better about her condition!

Good for you! I am brand new and would never know to get a crop massage! Lets pray you healed her!
No I completely get it. I searched tonight, "Is it always this sad having chickens?"
I came home and had lost two!
I've had chickens over the last two in a half years. In the last 3 month's I've lost four! -and I've only ever had six total!
I am so sad. They're totally my buddies...
For me it's been hard for about the last 4 month's...
I love, love, love having them!
Maybe it's true, sometimes you have good runs with them and sometimes you don't. I had very little troubles for the first two years...Two years plus!
My point is that, I understand....It sure sucks when it sucks. I want to be up for this, but it feels like a lot a loss. Sorry for yours
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