Is it bad if all of my chickens are different breeds

It shouldn't be a problem.
Oh heavens no! A mixed flock is a delight to the eye, lets you compare different breeds, and generally is fun to have around.

That said, some breeds can be flightier or more aggressive than others, so some breeds don't always mix well together. I have a mixed flock myself (Sussex, Rhode Island Red, Barred Rock crosses, and an Easter Egger mutt) and it's a hoot to watch them all together!
No, i think very common the only issue would be as said mixing breeds that are docile with aggressive types and/or extreme sizing in case big ones pick on smaller ones etc. Obviously if your after a specific breeding program then that doesn't work lol

I am considering doing two different breeds for my newbies come spring... that way i will 3 varieties of chickens free ranging, we only have two right now but only one free ranges the bantams don't here.
I do not plan to have babies , I have a red star , Rhode island red , Rhode Island white , black jersey mutt , Easter egger , silkie , barred rock , Orpington and one I don't really know what it is. They seem to act fine together , they sometimes nit pick each other but I'll separate them if they start fighting.
I'm glad I found this thread. I am considering acquiring more chickens. I'm going to have another coop/run built this winter. I have 8 Buckeye hens and they are great layers and very sweet. But I would love to have a mixed flock- some Polish, some Silkies and some others. I'm not sure what. I read that some breeds are more aggressive than others or some more prone to get picked on. I'm not going to introduce any new birds to my already-established flock. They seem to be happy the way things are.

I am open to suggestions as to docile and goofy-looking breeds that will get along ;-)


One thing to take into consideration when looking at the 'exotic' breeds is where you live. Silkies and frizzles don't always do well in very windy places or where there's a LOT of rain unless they have a very dry/warm coop and run. Polish don't do well with aggressive breeds because they don't always see very well due to their crests -- predators are pretty good at getting them, too, for the same reason. Not to be a can have some beautiful birds if you're willing to exchange 'ease of keeping' (Buckeyes are pretty darned foolproof from what I hear) for special accommodations. You could always go for exotic color vs weird feathers!
I have a mixed flock that's 23 weeks old - 2 EE's, 1 RIR, 1 BR, and 1 golden comet. One of the EE's seems to be top hen, and the other is definitely the lowest in the flock. They're all fun to watch, and so far the only thing I'm seeing is the EE's are nowhere near being ready to lay and the others are or have started laying already.

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