Is it Bad Math?

Just watch the eggs. They'll tell you if you were wrong.
The way I look at it is that Day #1 would end at 7:00 am on the 18th. So Day #21 would end at 7:00 am tomorrow 3/10/2010. You are in Day #21.

So do you have eggs incubating right now? No PIPS? No Hatches? Give us the details....
I have 2 Salmon Favs and 4 GCMs. So far nothing happening but all were viable at lockdown. I was just curious if my math was right. I was assuming I started Day 21 this morning and it will end tomorrow morning. Then I will get an anxiety attack.
I have you figured as ending day 22 at 7:00 a.m. this morning. you might just have a late hatch. I've seen a significant number of people mention eggs not hatching until day 23. not desirable but the chicks did well. If it where me if they have not hatched by tomorrow at 7:00 a.m. I would start carefully opening eggs to figure out what went wrong. Carefully as in expecting there to still be live chicks.
When I asked a similar question, I was given this answer: "If you set on a Thursday, you should be hatching on a Thursday". Hope this helps.
Great simple answer. I never thought about it this way. It sure makes it easier to count for me.

It takes 21 days on average for chicken eggs to develop and hatch. We all know some can be early or late, but on average 21 days of development. An egg does not undergo 24 hours of development 1/2 of ten percent of 3/4 of a millisecond after it is put in the incubator. (I know I'm being a bit of a smart aleck but I'm trying to get the point across) It gets 24 hours of development at the end of the first day. 21 days of development is the end of the 21st day, not the beginning of the 21st day. If you set the eggs at 7:00 a.m. on Wednesday February 17th, the 21 days of development ends at 7:00 a.m. Wednesday March 10th.

Sounds like you are doing OK.

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