Is it bad to pick up chicken poop with your bear hands?

I guess farm life versus back yard chickens is the desensitising element here. Poo happens and someone always seems to have flung dung growing up on a farm.

I do wash my hands a lot though. And I wear a respirator and a shower cap when cleaning the coop . Then I shower diligently.
I guess it is like wrestling alligators or handling snakes. You learn to do it carefully.

but yes, if poo is in a bad place and it it will make a nasty mess if not removed immediately, I pick it up with my bare bear hands. I also gut fish and put earthworms on hooks. I changed diapers as well.
But, I try not to bite my finger nails at the same time.

But don't ask me to touch leeches or wrestle alligators.
I pick up (chicken) poop with my bare hands regularly. I do wear gloves when I pick up great dane poop piles from the yard
I grew up in the days before jugs of hand sanitizer and germ phobia. We got DIRTY, because we worked and played outside and always had tons of animals around. As kids, we never had ear aches and all these other ailments kids today seem to have. And knock on wood, but I rarely get a cold or other ailments even as an adult. Too many folks are so germ phobic that their bodies aren't allowed to build up any natural resistances these days IMO.
I don't remember hand sanitizer either growing up. We lived on a farm and we still didn't pick up poop. I was also VERY rarely sick as a child. I credit my "germ phobic" to me continuing to be healthy. My parents said that I was the same way as a child. I didn't like to be around other sick people or children and I didn't like "touching" dirty people or shaking their hands. I have not been sick or even had a cold in about 30 years. I am one of those that goes over board when it comes to germs and not being around people who are sick. I'm sure I get on everyone's nevre around me and I really don't care. I don't even accept change from the cashier in the local grocery store who has sneezed and coughed and wiped her nose with her hand right before touching the money that she has to give back to me.

While everyone is going to the doctor, popping pills and taking sick days from work, I have a perfect attendance at work with so much sick time, I could give it to every employee in our office and the business next door.

So, for some people, it's ok to pick up poop with their bare hands and others just don't do it. I guess it depends on your poop level.

Everyone will have a different opinion and a different story. I just don't do poo.
I find that at some point you are gonna wind up with some kinda #$*& on your hands if you have animals.(Sometimes even the beer hand!) I use an old feed scoop in the coop, and I also have a giant cat litter scoop I got at the dollar store.
Haha. I use my hands for everything... probably even stuff I shouldn't. Nothing like a little axle grease on your turkey sandwich!


I guess I had a little axle grease on my Sun Chips today. I wondered why they tasted funny.​
When I get behind on chores or am just in a hurry, I have been known to fling poo with one hand while eating a sandwich with the other one. I just try to remember not to swap hands.

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