Is it cruel to have chickens if they can't free range?

i've had mine in a pen and free range, much happier free ranging. also if you do your research on chickens it says they are happier with more space. i even have my chicks free ranging, they flock always stays together and never go too far from their coop. also you benefit having them free range, free fertilizer and bug control lol
Wow. I just read every one of your blog posts. Very entertaining. I feel like I know you now.

I did see some pictures of the electrified fence. I guess it is so big, you might not have one picture of the overall outdoor run.

Thanks again.


My chickens rush the door if I don't let them free range for a few days, but a friend of mine keeps hens that don't free range, and they seem happy enough. My girls are so accustom to it that even though they have plenty of space, they demand free range time!
@ Jim--the magic of the internet! The enclosure is sort of long and relatively narrow, and it is hard to get it in one pic, but it's two lengths of 174 ft. electronetting strung together, so I think that works out to about 7,500 square feet. They seem happy in their space at any rate:)
I think chickens who don't free range are just as content as cats who live their whole lives in the house. If it's all they know, they don't know any different! My girls get "snacks" daily - all kinds of kitchen scraps. They would eat anything edible if they were free ranging so that's what they get from the kitchen. They're all happy and healthy and watch for me to come out.
Mine are the exact same way. They just love to free range, though they have plenty of room in their run. And then they come flooding out one-by-one when I open the door.

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