Is it fine to have one duckling with the mother?


🦜🦃🐓🦢🦆Started with chickens now has an army 🦆🦢🐓🦃🦜
Apr 30, 2023
This morning we had two adorable ducklings hatch. They hatched in an old dog cage. This morning i found 1 hatched and 1 halfway zipped. At about 12:00 pm I checked again and the second one hatched. It was still wet so I wanted to wait for it to dry, then transfer them to a plastic tub or another cage with smaller holes so the duckling can’t squeeze out. Since both ducklings are only a couple hours old I figured they would stay with the mother and rest. It’s a pretty large cage and the door is shut so no chickens can get in. I checked on them again a couple hours later and only found one duckling. I looked everywhere in the coop it was nowhere. I let the chickens free range today. After I gave up looking for her I went to get a plastic tub to put mama and the remaining baby so we don’t lose anymore. On my way out I found the baby passed away, the poor thing didn’t even look like a duckling anymore. It’s face was destroyed. I’m devastated I never thought the chickens would do such an awful thing. 😭 Now I put the remaining baby in a 100% escape free zone with mom duck. I’ve heard many people say never raise a duckling Alone, but is it fine with the mom? Or should we attempt to get another?
Thanks in advance..

Rip adorable baby duck 😢
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