Is it normal for a chick to..........

It is not bad, it just isn't great for game birds. I honest to God like mine when it doesn't spike. If the room temp stays the same, and there is a high humidity level in the room they will make great bators. I would not use a forced air as a hatcher, but many people do so it does work, but I prefer still air. For your needs I think an LG or a Hova-Bator is perfect for you. The sportsman is nice, but it is a ton of money to buy and only hatch a few eggs in...
There is no fan....
Never mind, I am just really confused and this new medicine is makin me loopy.... So she was going to give you a perfectly good incubator?
My Hova Bator works well for my needs. Forced Air with a wafer thermostat that never fails to hold the temp. No temp spikes and no humidity problems so far and it's been 7 years.

I've been getting 2-3 eggs a day for about a week and now I'm getting ready to set 15 or so eggs to test fertility. Once it checks out I'm good to go on my hatching eggs.
Why in the world do you have a Sportsman if you are only going to incubate around 12 eggs at one time? Sportsmans are for over 100 eggs! I suggest using a Hova-Bator for you hatcher...or your incubator! Great hatch rates in mine. Everyone ( just about ) that I know hates their LG and are either getting a Brinsea or a HB.
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