Is it normal for chicks to look so scruffy?


11 Years
Apr 11, 2011
New York
Seems like the lighter one looks a lot more scruffy then the two darker chicks. Ophelia is 6 1/2 weeks and according to the awesome people in the "What breed am I" section she's been identified as a Salmon Faverolle.

Here is what she looked like when I got her

DSC_0004 by StonesChickens, on Flickr

Here is her at week five

IMAG0121 by StonesChickens, on Flickr

and here is what she looks like today

IMAG0467 by StonesChickens, on Flickr
yep they will get prettier in a few more weeks.
Okay, my darker ones are not nearly as scruffy, actually they're not at all. Though my EE did get super tall and my Partridge Cochin got wide and plump.
Awww don't tell it it's scruffy, you will hurt it's feelings!

They all go through some really wacky stages before they settle into their adult beauty, I had a black Bantam Cochin hen who looked like a tiny ostrich mixed with a turkey for the first 2 months of it's life!
Here are my other two which don't look (IMO) nearly as scruffy, This is Ingrid and this is Violet (which I'm told is a roo, so I call him Baby Roo). I was thinking it was mostly because she's a lighter color. Thanks all I didn't know if I should be worried or not...LOL.

IMAG0451 by StonesChickens, on Flickr

IMAG0463 by StonesChickens, on Flickr

You guys are all so helpful, I love this forum!!!!

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