Is it okay if water is not available at night?

Sorry...I know nothing of the auto-waterers you're talking about. But I want to assure you, that especially with only four birds, there's really no mess involved with keeping a waterer inside. Set a standard waterer up on bricks or something to make it chest level or so. With only four birds, the water would last for several days before needing to be refreshed. I do agree with others - if you're an early riser, keeping a waterer inside shouldn't be needed. But if you like to sleep in on occasion,'s never good to be thirsty. And with the warm/hot weather season coming, even moreso.
I use nipple waterers for all my birds and love them. No muss, no fuss! Outside I have large containers - gallon jugs, 5 gallon bucket - but inside each coop I just have a half gallon plastic pitcher fitted with a single water nipple just in case anyone needs a drink very early or very late. I hang them from a nail, just inside the large door to the coops, so that I can easily refill when needed - which isn't very often, usually I'm pouring out old water and refilling long before they use up the inside pitcher.
Ooooh that is a very good idea!!!

I guess I am trying to stay away from the mess if I put it in the coop, but It sounds like I probably should figure something out. I am thinking about those auto water cups. You have to order five at a time. I just can't figure out what all I need to get besides the cups and brackets.

What I do for the waterers in the coop is place them on cinder blocks, keeps all the nasty bedding they kick around out of the water. True they won't get off the roost at night to take a drink but first thing they go for come sun up (which is around 5 am here) is go for the water.
Keep in mind that forcing a laying hen to go without a source of water for any length of time can affect her egg production.

Like the others, I have my waterers up on cinder blocks. Change the water once a day and clean the waterer once a week, no big deal.
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I just imagine what would happen if there was some sort of family emergency and the chickens were left on their own for a day or two. I would want them to be able to eat and drink.

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