Is it okay to feed crushed boiled egg shells?

Thanks for the replies everyone! I've been feeding the shells mixed with other stuff a couple days a week and they love them!

I must be bad my chickens like raw eggs, I hope I'm not doing anything wrong. If an egg is dirty I chuck in their run and its like piranhas. I've been doing it for a couple years since I dropped one and they loved it.
All use all my eggshells. My garden gets it's share too. Eggshels are very valuable source of calcium and other nutricious minerals to throw them away. I never wasted my money for oyster shells. Feed is expensive enough!

I believe baking them is an overkill and it is unnecessary. I rinse them well, let the sun dry my eggshells then crush them little bit and feed them to my birds. If rain wets them after they dried out I do not bother to dry them again, I feed them wet.

My hens never developed egg eating habit.
It sure seems like it would be painful to gulp down a sharp egg shell. Do they have to be crushed fine?

lol They eat rocks, stones, grit, and oyster shells too! I would think that that would hurt them even more! hahaha​
I save all the eggshells in an old berry box and crush them with my rolling pin when they're dry. Once a week treats. If you crush freshly cracked eggshells, the inner membrane makes the pieces all stick together.
I don't bother boiling or baking or microwaving eggshells... sheesh... they're chickens. They're outside animals who peck around in the dirt, eating who knows what with gosh knows what germs. Slugs, worms, bugs, spiders, mosquitos, grass, it's certainly not a sterile lifestyle! So eggshells au naturel won't hurt chickens and merely replaces the calcium they've expended to make the shells in the first place.

Hardboiled eggs? If my 4 sons leave any leftover hardboiled eggs, that is... I mash them flat and let the girls take care of the remainers. I agree--no sense giving them any ideas that egg-shaped objects are fair game for yummies.

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