Is it okay to have Rhode Island Reds and Buff Orpingtons together?


In the Brooder
May 17, 2015
Hi,I have 7 Rhode Island Red chickens,6 hens and a rooster.I was thinking of getting Buff Orpington chicks this spring,but I heard it's bad to have those two breeds together because of fighting.I wanted Buff Orpingtons because I wanted to start hatching eggs,but my Rhode Island Reds don't seem interested at all.Let me know what you think on the subject and if you know any other good broody hen breeds.Any answer is appreciated!!!!
You can have RIRs and BOs together with no problem as long as they are not overcrowded. Overcrowding can quickly lead to aggression, fights, biting and feather plucking, and even cannibalism not matter what the breeds. Of course your flock will have a pecking order and the RIRs will likely be at the top and the BOs at the bottom due to the very docile nature of the BOs but a pecking order is natural and every flock has one.
Thank you for all your helpful replies!!!!! I can't wait to get my new Buff Orpington chicks!!!!!

You're welcome. Buff Orpingtons are a wonderful breed; beautiful, hardy, calm and gentle (great lap pets), and good layers of brown eggs. I think you'll be very happy with them.
You're welcome. Buff Orpingtons are a wonderful breed; beautiful, hardy, calm and gentle (great lap pets), and good layers of brown eggs. I think you'll be very happy with them.

P.S. Be sure and wait until your chicks have reached the approximate size of the other birds in your flock before integrating them into the flock, and when you introduce them to the older birds be sure and use the "look but don't touch" method. There is a good article at explaining how to do it.
Hi,I have 7 Rhode Island Red chickens,6 hens and a rooster.I was thinking of getting Buff Orpington chicks this spring,but I heard it's bad to have those two breeds together because of fighting.I wanted Buff Orpingtons because I wanted to start hatching eggs,but my Rhode Island Reds don't seem interested at all.Let me know what you think on the subject and if you know any other good broody hen breeds.Any answer is appreciated!!!!

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