Is it possible to spoil a baby chick?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 3, 2012
Bertram, TX
I have a week old chick that is separated from the other girls. She is a week younger and had bugs. I think I have all the bugs off but I am still afraid to mix her with the others. She is smaller, but also very aggressive. If you touch her food she will peck you.

She often will chirp until I pick her up. Is she lonely? Should I put her with the others or do I need to give her more attention. She woke me up a 2 am and would not stop chirping until I got up and handled her for awhile. I played with her until she tired out and then she went to sleep husband was not happy. What can I do to make her more comfortable?
Kew, maybe you could put the chick in a little basket with a top on it in their cage. Chicks don't like to be alone, and if they peep so much and are so lonely they can stress out and not want to eat or drink and starve. I learned. Mr.Fluffy was the only one to hatch. He wouldn't eat or drink, he didn't know how and we tried to teach him, but no luck. So we had to get 2 BO's from the feed store, and they taught him how, now he's such a broiler chicken.
Were you watching my methods of raising chicks? I put a stuffed teddy bear in, then put a Swiffer duster thing in, and they slept on it... We called them Fluffy Puffies, and that's how my JG rooster got the name Mr.Fluffy Puffy.

Put a small stuffed animal into the brooder with her, or better yet, a feather duster. And a small hand mirror. That way she has "company" and something to snuggle into to feel safe.
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She's probably lonely, but she may also be cold. Make sure you have the temperature right. Also, a stuffed animal or some other harmless fluffiness may help. Chicks really don't like to be alone, but you really shouldn't mix birds that are of significantly different sizes.
She seems well enough to me by the word 'aggressive' (smallest chickens don't mean bottom of the pecking order!) to put her back. She's probably lonely and/or cold. If you must keep her separated then see if you can give her toys and objects that will keep her busy and simulate the feel and optional gather-warmth of other chicks around.
i had two chicks,one died so i was left wi just my little lucy.i have 4 hens outside but lucy is still to young to go outside.i put a heat pad in her bed with a mirror,which she loves and feathers for her bed.she loves to cuddle up with me and just so she still hears other birds i sit her on my computer and put birds singing on utube.she sits there for hours just listening and cheeping back.sumtimes she even watches the bird singing on the i also have a heat lamp on her.lucy soon lets me know when she wants attention or when shes lonely.she also loves to sleep in my long hair.ha good luck.

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