Is it possible?


9 Years
Sep 2, 2015
My Coop
My Coop
Ok i have three leghorn, two delewares and three golden sexlinks(2 of which i know are laying). Now i know then leghorns lay white eggs and the delewares lay a light tan, and the golden generally the ones that i know have been laying have laid a dark brown - to rosey colored eggs. Today i got four white eggs and four brown eggs. All were completely normal. I know the last egg i picked up today was from a leg horn that i saw going in the nesting box after i picked up the other seven. Some time last month i got a double yolker from a leghorn the first ever to be odd out of theirs. Since they started laying all eggs have been normal and on time so i am pretty confused as to who laid this eighth egg. Can a sex link lay a white egg? If not then it had to be that a leghorn laid two eggs today both the same size color and texture. I havent cracked them open to see if they are normal but basised off the size i am going to say they are.
Gold Sex-Links are a brown egg laying hybrid so I think it is highly improbable that one of them laid a white egg. It is possible, but not likely, that a Gold Sex-Link (or a Delaware) laid an abnormal egg that failed to have pigment put on to it. But, if it was completely white and looks like a Leghorn egg, it is most likely not a Gold Sex-Link or Delaware egg. Leghorns are very good layers that have been bred to such high production that occasionally they have "glitches" in their reproductive systems and the normal mechanics of creating eggs goes wrong (for example, two yolks may get released shortly after each other, leading to multiple eggs in the oviduct at the same time). My guess is that one of the Leghorns laid two eggs in one day.
Thats good to know. Yeah i didnt think the other girls would have only that one sex link hasnt laid yet. We have other hens but non of them are old enough yet and all but the leghorns are brown layers (rhode island red, barred rocks(these two breeds are hitting 5months), (these next are hitting 3 months ee, buff, and slw) so only the leghorns could have laid the white eggs that good to know. Before this i thought if they laid multiple eggs the shell would be thinner on the second but this one not so who knows lol.

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