Is it suppos d to b this

rancher hicks

Free Ranging
15 Years
Feb 28, 2009
Syracuse, NY
I just got a ne w Hova bator 1588 and it seems loud. Is it supposed to be loud? Got th turn to is it supposed to start out slanted? the far row is not slanted.
My hova bator is very loud .. although my turner is louder then the fan.. Go figure.. All the trays should slant the same way.. if not you may have one reversed and need to correct it .. If you look at it closely its actually very simple to work with.. I had to add some quail cups to mine the other day and had it done in about five minuites
Ok thanks, I just wanted to make sure it was supposed to sound natural like a broody hen.
I have one who whined like this for the whole 21 days. Now she's still whineing, I don't think she likes being mom. Just kidding.
The Hova Bator Turners are loud, I still have my Still Air Hova, I sold the forced air, I bought an LG Turner for the still air and it is very quiet.
I have a Hova 1602N borrowed from a friend but it quit w/ 9 days to go, It's long story so I put the 9 eggs under a broody and she hatched out most of them. She had ten and last check there were 6 left. Not all started on the same day. One was a scratch so that 7 out of 19.

Anyhow the Hova 1602N started to work again and since it isn't mine I don't want to buy any parts or a turner. This 1588 is holding at 99.6 and the humidity is 38 so I can deal w/ the noise. It's in my office so maybe it'll keep me off this forum and I'll do the work I have to do. LOL

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