Is it too late to order?

Check your local Craigslist. A lot of people have chicks to sell right now. Then they don't have to be shipped and you don't have to wait.
My local Craig's List has had ads for laying chickens as well as chicks in the last week.

Do your feed stores have chick days? Good luck.
My order is not scheduled to be shipped until June 9th and it's already hotter than hades here. The hatchery keeps the weather in mind - opening all the vent holes in the box, perhaps a little less straw, etc.
You and I are dealing with the same thing . . .and I want CERTAIN chicks, not just the same thing . . .so might call them and ask. We are in a horrible heat wave right now, and I sure don't want the little sweeties to smother to death. I checked Craig's list, but nothing around me. Chickens aren't real popular here yet, I don't think. Or they are all Orp. and RIR's.
You aren't very far from quite a few hatcheries- I'm expecting some chicks in 2 weeks from one in WI, and there are tons in Missouri. They aren't out in the weather all that long, and express shipping is supposed to keep them in climate control from my understanding.

All that said, I did have the PO lose my chicks in Feb, and if I hadn't driven an hour to get them from the distro center, they might not have made it because of cold.

Talk to the hatcheries/breeders- there are cold packs they could use just like heat packs.
i had a order come last week from ideal and it was very hot out but all the chicks came healthy
i also have another order shipping out tomorrow from natures hatchery so i think that most hatcheries are still shipping
My chicks are due to hatch on June 21st and arrive on the 22nd or 23rd. However, I'm not too worried because our weather is still very mild here. (SF Bay Area) We are actually expecting rain all week. UGH!

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