Is It Too Soon Re-Introduce Back Into Flock After Serious Injury???

Apr 30, 2018
Tooele, UT
Nine days ago, I found my Lavender Orphinton had been mauled by what started as overzealous breeding of my Cockerel who has started mounting my girls. It appeared he had bitten into the back of her neck, drawing blood which brought on the flock tearing at her wound and causing significant injury to her. She had a full head and neck of feathers which were all torn away and multiple open and bleeding punctures. Every day, twice a day, we have flushed her injuries with a saline wash, generously applied Vetericyn, and then applied original Neosporin into the wounds. Most of the punctures have healed except for the most significant injury. The yellow ich in the last two photos is the used Neosporin from the previous treatment that we hadn't brushed off yet when the pictures were taken today...we use a "soft" toothbrush to flake off the old ointment before we proceed with cleaning and treating.

I have posted photos of the original injuries and some pictures taken today to show the healing that has occurred. She has been downstairs in our basement in our ER station for the girls whenever there has been a need.

I would like to find out if it is too soon to put her back into the flock or do we need to wait for more healing to occur? She has been removed from the flock for 9 days now. If we can put her back into the flock, can I apply Blu-Kote to her head and neck to protect her from the risk of being pecked and re-injuring the injury? If not Blu-Kote, what can be used?
I would personally wait a little longer. But if not, I would put her in a look-but-can’t-touch cage in with the others until she heals more.

Ohh I just saw the last picture is the recent pic. I thought the bloody one was right now!

Hmm yes, bluekote and supervise her. Make sure she’s welcomed and not attacked. May need to reintroduce her to the flock via a cage, hopefully not.
If there is blood, she is going to get pecked. What I do to re-integrate is put the injured bird into a lg wire dog crate in the run area where the flock spends their day. Make sure she has food and water. Give treats to her and everyone else close to the cage. She can visit and be part of things safely. At night put her in a small cat carrier and put her in the coop to sleep w everyone else. I had one w a broken leg and did this integration process w him for 4 weeks while he healed after spending 3 weeks in my garage in a solitary situation. They may fret and pace the cage but it's better than more trauma, don't let her guilt you into letting her out until she's healed.
What I do to re-integrate is put the injured bird into a lg wire dog crate in the run area where the flock spends their day. Make sure she has food and water. Give treats to her and everyone else close to the cage. She can visit and be part of things safely.
This^^^ sounds like a good plan.

Continue to treat as you have been.
Forget the blukote, it can just as 'attractive' as blood for pecking attention,
and it can camouflage the status of the wound from you.
The real issue here is you are integrating, so treat it as such.

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