Yesterday, my smallest Barred Rock got pecked on her foot and it started to bleed. I separated her from the others to clean the wound and let it stop bleeding. I noticed that she was slipping and sliding around a bit like someone trying to walk on slippery ice but I thought that it was just because she was on uneven plastic flooring in her separation cage. It rained heavily, was cold and windy last night and when I go out this morning to feed them I find that my injured girl can't stand up. She was just laying on her side, and every now and then kicks her legs (but it's more like a spasm). She can still move her neck, she pecks at her food that I put under her head and when I hold her to her water she drinks. Aside from not being able to move she seems very alert. I rushed her to the feed store where I bought them because the owner will give free health care to animals he has sold. He told me it is Marek's and that currently she has a 50-50% chance of living. He told me to crush half an aspirin into her water, keep her warm and dry, and to try feeding her medicated feed again. If she makes it to Tuesday he wants me to bring her back and he will give her some antibiotics (Terrimyacin? SP?) . Anyone else pull your chicken out of Marek's? Any tips you can give me, a first-time chicken owner?