Is my “guaranteed pullet” a Rooster?

He's a beautiful rooster! As for what to do, if you want to keep him, you would want a bigger space and a few more hens, if not, I'd first talk to the farm to see if they'll take him back, if not you can either find him a home or process him. I think either way you're going to need to get another hen, 2+ if you raise them from chicks else your other bird will get lonely. Don't think the farmer was trying to trick you either, vent sexing is only about 90% accurate and you got one of the 10%
He really is a beautiful rooster. We just aren’t ready for that stage in our chicken journey. The farm we sourced them from was amazing when I contacted them and we organized a swap today, they took the rooster back to live on their farm for breeding and we got a new pullet of the same age. Brought the new pullet home and she’s adjusting. Our remaining original pullet definitely has immediately taken on the dominant stance and is being a bit pecky/bullying. But I think that’s to be expected. We are looking into getting a 3rd now that the coop is expanded and we have the space as I want them to have a good flock life.
Honestly though, a 2 bird flock isn't best anyways 'cause if one gets sick and needs to be separated or dies, the other will be alone and chickens can die of loneliness. Aside from that, 2 birds isn't enough for them to fully express proper flock behavior. Yes, 2 birds will keep each other company, but they're best off with more friends. 3-4 would be what I'd consider a good minimum flock size
We were so worried our coop space was too small for more than two but we are working with the farm to source a 3rd pullet as they think our space is adequate for one more! I appreciate the advice!
That's a cockerel for sure.
Hi! We are very new to backyard chickens and got two guaranteed Easter Egger pullets from a nearby farm 3 weeks ago. We just wanted two hens to live in a fairly small but appropriately enclosed coop for two. I am increasingly worried one of my “hens” might be a rooster as they grow. Particularly due to the tail feathers she/he is growing in. Pictures attached. Can anyone tell me if my hen might actually be a rooster? We have no idea what to do with a rooster and one Hen and are starting to panic.View attachment 3806144View attachment 3806146View attachment 3806147
He really is a beautiful rooster. We just aren’t ready for that stage in our chicken journey. The farm we sourced them from was amazing when I contacted them and we organized a swap today, they took the rooster back to live on their farm for breeding and we got a new pullet of the same age. Brought the new pullet home and she’s adjusting. Our remaining original pullet definitely has immediately taken on the dominant stance and is being a bit pecky/bullying. But I think that’s to be expected. We are looking into getting a 3rd now that the coop is expanded and we have the space as I want them to have a good flock life.
To mitigate that I'd do see but no touch for a least a few days. Chickens are territorial creatures and birds will fight if not introduced slowly. I'd also just seek to expand the run period as birds tend to do better physically, mentally and behaviorly if they have more room rather than less. I couldn't see the whole run from that picture, but it did look really narrow. Generally you want at least 10 square feet of run space per bird to minimize issues. it'll probably be cheaper to build a run yourself rather than buy an already made one and if you poke around you can even find materials to help build it for free. Look in the coop and runs section for ideas and don't forget to account for chicken math when building your run

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