Is my black star pullet really a roo??

lil' Okie

12 Years
Mar 18, 2008
Northeastern OKlahoma
Its probably too soon to tell but thought I'd give it a shot and see what y'all think. Thanks for looking

Yes, as adults, the males will be barred, so if your pullet grows out with barring, you'll have a roo. As chicks, the barred boys look like baby barred rocks with a white head spot.
Sorry if I'm being stupid, please bear with me I'm new at this. So are these really even black stars? I picked out the chick in the second pic because I liked that her body was black and her head was reddish brown. Thanks for the help

Here's a pic of the same chick that shows the coloring a little better.

Here's a pic of my other "black star" girl
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