Is my chicken just weird?


6 Years
Feb 14, 2016
Upstate NY
So we have this chicken that I got as a pullet. The first thing she did when she saw the big chickens was run over and aggressively peck their ankles. So we named her Talus. I swear she has a screw loose. Well when ever she sneaks into her house or trying to get food from the others she crouches down as low as she can and walks. Is this normal for some? She had a heavy bad molt but she is getting feathers back now.
How old is she?
What do you feed?

Has she always crouched or did it start with molting?

Crouching can be an act of submission, but if this is "new" behavior and started during molt, I would give her a direct dose of poultry vitamins for a couple of days and increase her protein.
How old is she?
What do you feed?

Has she always crouched or did it start with molting?

Crouching can be an act of submission, but if this is "new" behavior and started during molt, I would give her a direct dose of poultry vitamins for a couple of days and increase her protein.

She is just over 2 years old now. We give her layer feed and some wild bird seed as a treat for all the chickens. Oster shells that they barely choose to eat. Watermelon and various fruits sometimes. She jumped from a great height a couple weeks ago and fell on her chest and broke an egg inside her. She is back to the normal version of her now. It started before the molt but I think it’s been more frequent now. Also she does it near our new rooster now.
Is that when the 'creeping' started?
I wonder if she hurt a leg or something too?
It started a few months after we got her over a year ago. She walks and runs normal just once and a while she creeps around. Could it be to try to sneak around our house before we kick her out? Or to sneak around the rooster before he chases her away from the food? He chases her but I have not seen him mate once with any of our girls. In his defense she defiantly started it. She attacks everyone until they go after her. Then she runs away. She threatens our Pekin ducks. They don’t know what it means and they hug her so she runs... she has a weird personality

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