Is my chicken preening me?


6 Years
Apr 21, 2013
Last night I was hanging out with my two pullets, Peep and Nibbles. Peep was being a good girl and sitting on my lap, letting me pet her. Nibbles however always feels a need to sit on my shoulder (or worse, sometimes my head). Last night she was on my shoulder and kept putting her head/beak in my neck, hair, and shirt and shaking it back and forth really fast. It didn't hurt, and she wasn't pecking, but I didn't like this behavior. It kind of freaked me out. Was she trying to preen me, or do you know what she was doing, or why she would do it? Can I stop this behavior?
Looking through BYC threads to post this about my RIR Millie. I deffinitly think she preened me. :) I like to go in and sit with my 4 girls. I clean, scoop the sand give them mealworms. Then pick them up check them out and just visit. Yesterday Millie walked up the ladder and was standing at my shoulder and reached out and began preening my hair. She wasn't pulling it not hurting me at all. She would pick u some hair and preen all the way down drop the hair and do it again. It didn't freak me out, I felt like it was a sign that she was comfortable with me. Do I dare say bonding with me, or loving on my?? Who really knows what a chicken is thinking. So, she's my peep and I can say she was loving on me if I want to! For a while I was thinking Millie was a Billie but after 3 months, saddle feathers haven't developed, no sickle feathers no attempts to crow. I'm still not 100% sure but I'm keeping her/him regardless. She's got personality and I love her. If she is a he and becomes too aggressive I may have to give the roo up. Only then.

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