Is my duck getting ready to go broody?


10 Years
Jun 16, 2009
western slope, Colorado
Yesterday i found about a dozen down duck feathers where they usually lay their eggs, and today there was even more down. They're a year old now so this is their first spring as adults... but with 3 runners and 1 cayuga I didn't think I'd get a broody. I left the eggs in the nest incase this is what's happening since I'm not opposed to the idea. I've just never found any duck feathers in the coop before much less the nest itself, usually only in and around the pond.
With my broodys, i found they got ALOT noisier just before they settled in. and fluffier looking.
i stopped collecting their eggs as it seemed they were being orderly about the nest box.
even the drakes were showing more concern about the eggs.
2 of my 3 girls are presently broodinh.
Sounds like she might be gearing up for broodiness. I've got a Pekin, Mallard and Magpie/Runner cross right now all plucking feathers for the nest , puffing up and walking around quacking like crazy...all adds up to broodies LOL Last year both of my Pekin gals went broody and shared a nest for 3 weeks, the eggs were not fertile cause I didn't have a drake at the time but I had eggs in the bater so let them do their thing. Sadly only one egg hatched but I snuck it under my Jumbo Pekin just after it started to zip and she raised it as her own.
You mentioned that you had two share a nest.... well I now have a second runner that is sharing a nest with the first. There are plenty of eggs that they can share babies if the hatch
Don't want to count the chicks or rather ducklings before they hatch. The runner that has just recenetly joined in on being broody is quite as broody as the other. She'll get up and walk off more often than the other. Maybe she's more of a suport system for the broody
LOL support broody, that's cute!
Yes Ma'am two of mine shared a nest. I hear of ducks sharing nests pretty often. Can't wait to hear all about your new babies when they hatch...don't forget to take photos :)


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