Is my flock normal?


Awww it sounds great! At least in a way lol I get you, all in all you got crazy girls in a good way! Mine are allowed to jump on me too, to a certain point and you get scratches (like you know) bc they dig in instinctly to hang on... I got you lol

I notice chickens aren't afraid of things that they are raised around, like cars they think it magically never hurts them, not that your sitting there panicking not to hurt them lol so I think I understand :)

Aren't they great? As long as they have feed at all daylight hours they probably aren't hungry just they associate you as treat mama/daddy/whoever and are excited for another possibility for sure! Mine surround me when I go in I'm sure if they were free range they would think that they can go wherever I am at the time even if it's in the house lol.... cute!

Everytime I sit down they think I have some treat for them

If I leave the run for just 5 seconds and come back in they think I magically have more treats again, everytime they hear a plastic bag, it's for them (in their minds) lol love em!

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